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那些植物产于墨西哥。The plants are indigenous to Mexico.

袋鼠为澳大利亚所产。Kangaroos are indigenous to Australia.

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土办法少花钱。The indigenous method costs less money.

但是,土著人并没有如鸟兽散。But the indigenous peoples did not run away.

狼是艾泽拉斯许多地方的原住民。Wolves are indigenous to many parts of Azeroth.

大多数工人是当地的盖丘亚族人。Most of the workers are indigenous Quechua people.

丘马什人是加利福尼亚州的土著部落。The Chumash were a tribe indigenous to California.

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原住民,比如因纽特人在扮演什么样的角色呢?What part do indigenous people such as Inuit play?

偶然的是,日本也有土著人,就是阿伊努人。Incidentally, Japan has indigenous people, the Ainu.

巴拿马的自然风景和土著文化非常丰富。In Panama nature and indigenous culture are abundant.

岩石劫掠者是外域一种土生土长的物种。Rock flayers are one of Outland's indigenous species.

印度没有类似于自主创新的规则。India has no equivalent to indigenous innovation rules.

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肉产品的国内产量概念各不相同。The concept of indigenous production of meat is different.

它们一定是地球上最具忧患意识的土著人。They must be the most proactive indigenous people on earth.

麦罗埃是兴都库什王国的土著语言。Meroitic was the indigenous language of the Kingdom of Kush.

这一型号是在老式的红旗61型基础上发展研制的国产防空系统。This is an indigenous system developed from the older HQ-61.

刚果记录的最后一例本土脊灰病例发生在2000年。Congo had recorded its last case of indigenous polio in 2000.

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本土传统如何与现代诉求相调和?。How would indigenous tradition conciliate with modern appeal?

斑蝥是一种生活在地上的芫菁甲虫,原产自欧洲。Spanish Fly is ground-up blister beetle, indigenous to Europe.

欧洲,至少是土生土长的欧洲人,正在消亡。Europe, at least the indigenous population of Europe, is dying.