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新做的冻糕很不错的。The new-made café parfait is really good.

我准备好吃我的冷甜点了。I feel much better. I'm ready for a parfait.

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他们回答“啊,不了,我不喜欢吃冻糕。”"They answered"Er, no, I don't like parfait.

我们的最后一道菜总是盛在高杯里的冻糕。We always ended with a parfait in a high glass.

你有没有过跟别人说“嘿,我们吃冻糕吧?”Have you ever said to someone"Hey, let's eat parfait?"

这是一种使用搅拌机制作的冰冻饮料,通常采用至少一种甜酒和冰淇淋。A parfait is a blended drink made with one or more liqueurs and ice cream.

早餐是麦当劳的燕麦粥或鸡蛋麦氏松饼或水果和酸奶冻糕。Breakfast is McDonald's oatmeal or an Egg McMuffin or a fruit and yogurt parfait.

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对了,您还想要点别的吗?新做的冻糕很不错的。要来一点吗?Well, would you like something else? The new-made café parfait is really good. Want some?

如果赶时间,你可以考虑快速的希腊酸奶或者低脂奶酪。If you're in a rush, you can always consider a quick Greek yogurt parfait or low fat cheeses.

史蒂夫似乎在半场被换下,而巴菲在下半场上场。Steve seems to have been substituted at half-time, while Parfait came on for the second half.

波尔多商人热拉尔帕法特还表示,他是在相对较低的论坛法国投票失望。Bordeaux businessman Gerard Parfait also says he was disappointed at the relatively low French turnout at the forum.

帕法特在会议上说,非洲企业家代表着一个新的非洲的面貌。他说,他们举行了非洲大陆的未来增长的关键。Parfait says the African entrepreneurs at the meeting represent the face of a new Africa. He says they hold the key for the continent's future growth.