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罗达是农场里的工人。Rhoda is a farm worker.

罗达的抱怨是习惯性的,她老是不满。Rhoda is a chronic complainer . She is always dissatisfied.

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罗达在兴致勃勃地吩咐脚夫搬运行李。Rhoda was briskly giving the porter orders about the luggage.

“如果你把我当作鲁莽的冒失鬼,那可要叫我难受了。”罗达说。If you think I'm a bold hussy , that's too bad, " said Rhoda".

一个中校的薪水不多,而罗达是过惯比较好的生活的。A commander's salary was modest, and Rhoda was used to this better life.

罗达坐在一张矮桌边,面前放着好多茶杯和闪闪发亮的银器皿。Rhoda was seated at a low table, behind a lot of teacups and shining silver.

在一个点上,有人问罗达,她遇见了地球上其他她的一倍。At one point, someone asks Rhoda what if she met her double on the other Earth.

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彼得敲外门,有一个使女,名叫罗大出来探听。And as Peter knocked at the door of the gate, a damsel came to hearken, named Rhoda.

罗达是他的一个远房表妹,她靠用昂贵的材料做帽子为生。Rhoda was a distant cousin, who made a living by creating hats out of expensive material.

罗达说,给人这样过份地崇拜是很发窘的,不过也是愉快惬意使人年轻的。Rhoda says that it's embarrassing to be so idolized, but also very sweet and rejuvenating.

彼得敲外门,有一个使女,名叫罗大出来探听。Peter knocked at the outer entrance, and a servant girl named Rhoda came to answer the door.

罗达搬去和当地牙医吉姆同居,一直梦想着夏威夷的海滩婚礼。Rhoda has moved in with Jim, the local dentist, and is dreaming of a beach wedding in Hawaii.

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一股生气蓬勃的活力如今使西姆·安德森和梅德琳结合到了一起,而罗达却割断了他们婚姻的那股活力。A live nerve now bound Sime Anderson and Madeline and Rhoda had severed the nerve of their marriage.

“现在告诉我你为什么要来看我,”罗达突然说道,“我希望你是为帽子而来的。"And now tell me why you have come to see me, " said Rhoda suddenly. "I hope you've come about hats.

罗达不起飞行。于是,她进入一个作文比赛,给她一个机会,以实现她的梦想。Rhoda cannot afford the flight. So she enters an essay contest which offers her a chance to fulfill her dream.

迷失和情感上的脆弱促使Rhoda寻找John,那个从来不知道,也不想知道是谁摧毁了他的世界。The lost and emotionally fragile Rhoda seeks out John, who never knew, or wanted to know, who destroyed his world.

罗达完全象往常一样跟帕格一道进教堂,唱圣诗,传递关于海军妻子不安于室的流言蜚语。Rhoda went to church with Pug, and sang the hymns, and relayed gossip about unfaithful Nevy wives, all exactly as before.

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希拉里罗达与米老鼠帽子,和她没有双臂的假像,那代表心灵控制奴隶的无能为力。Hilary Rhoda with Mickey Mouse hat and the illusion that she has no arms, which represents the powerlessness of MK slaves.

悉尼市富有创造力的导演罗伯茨说,焰火秀的主题将表达对即将到来的一年新的开始的希望。The city's creative director, Rhoda Roberts, says theme of the show will express hope for a new beginning in the coming year.

在的MTM的第三个赛季,布鲁克斯做了客串的拉比重建谁主持过理查兹誓言玛利亚受父母的邻居罗达摩根斯坦。In MTM's third season, Brooks did a cameo as the rabbi who presides over the renewal of vows by the parents of Mary Richards' neighbor Rhoda Morgenstern.