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但生物化学远远超出氧气。But biochemistry goes far beyond oxygen.

如果发烧我身体的生物化学化境会发生变化。So my biochemistry would change if I had a fever.

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她的研究正在开辟生物化学的新开地。Her research is breaking new ground in biochemistry.

这是细胞生物化学与生物物理学的网页。This is the web page of Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics.

烟叶发酵是一复杂的生化过程。Tobacco leaf leavening is a complex biochemistry process.

那位科学家的理论填补了生物化学中的一项空白。The scientist's theory has filled in a gap in biochemistry.

Murad将他们的发现归功于生物化学的发展。Murad credits advances in biochemistry with their discovery.

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生物化学是一则关于构型的故事,其情节曲折古怪的缘由正在于此。Biochemistry is the story of shapes, and this is its strange plot twist.

糖生物学被认为是生物化学领域“最后的前沿”。Glycobiology has been recognized as "the last frontier" in biochemistry.

这是普度大学生物化学系的网站。This is the website for Department of Biochemistry at Purdue University.

你把进化论和生物化学搞混了。You are propagandising by attempting to mix evolutionism with biochemistry.

以生化自动分析仪测血清CPK活性。The activity of serum CPK was examined with automatic biochemistry analyzer.

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河北医科大学生物化学与分子生物学教研室。Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry of Hebei Medical University.

在生命活动中,生物酶起着至关重要的作用,和我们的生活也密切相关。In biochemistry field, biological enzymes play a key role in life activities.

“陌生化”是由俄国维克托·什克洛夫斯基提出的。"the Mo biochemistry" is proposes by Russian Victor · assorted gram Love Siji.

生物化学基础是生物化工专业的主干课程。Basal biochemistry is the main course for the major of biochemical engineering.

配合颗粒饲料对育成公梅花鹿血液生化指标有一定的影响。Pellet certainly affected the norms of blood biochemistry of growing male deer.

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李宇明自中四上生物课时已开始对生化学感兴趣。Her interest in biochemistry has been growing since Form 4 when she took biology.

李玟推出了她的歌唱生涯后,主修生物化学上大学。CoCo Lee launched her singing career after majoring in biochemistry at University.

该所是保加利亚植物生理学与生物化学领域最主要的研究中心之一。It is a leading research centrum of plant physiology and biochemistry in Bulgaria.