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舌头是无骨的但是它可以折断骨头。Tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.

啊,这鱼没有骨头,而且是透明的。Ah, the fish is boneless and transparent.

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啊,这种鱼没有骨头,而且是透明的。Ah, the fish is boneless and transparent.

水无骨却能折断骨。The water is boneless but it breaks bones.

舌无骨却能折断骨。The tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.

影子在帐篷里盘旋跳舞,飘逸不定,可怖骇人。Shadows whirled and danced inside a tent, boneless and terrible.

咸肉依然很贵,无骨的猪大排骨也不便宜。Bacon is still expensive and boneless pork loins are not cheap either.

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他们将购买原料去骨家禽从印度首次时间。They will be buying raw boneless poultry from India for the first time.

以生菜铺底,配以嫩滑的鸡肉和自制的酱料。Crispy lettuce, grilled boneless chicken , tossed in our delicious homemade sauce.

并且根据市场需求研发生产多种车型的专用无骨雨刮。According to the market demand and development of production of special boneless wiper.

与洋葱糊的甘甜、酒的微酸、莓泥的果味、苦的巧克力一起…Boneless beef shin to be stewed together with onion, red wine, berry, and black chocolate.

他专门从事动物绘画,花卉和山水用没骨法。He specialized in painting animals. His flowers and rocks were done in the boneless method.

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不同部位有不同加价,无骨的上肋都是一个好的选择。The different part has a different price, boneless prime rib is also a good choose for you.

倘非有她,在这谁也不让谁的世间,他早就被脚踩得烂成一摊无骨的蜗牛浆了。But for her the race of the world would have trampled him under foot a squashed boneless snail.

去买无骨的肉排吧,那就不用为骨头付钱了。Boneless cuts of meat are often a better buy, since you’re not paying for the weight of the bone.

一磅肉馅或者是无骨牛肉比有很多骨头或者肥肉的牛肉可以供更多人食用。A pound of ground or boneless meat will make more servings than a pound with a lot of bone or fat.

了解如何从专业的厨师辣餐饮服务商在此免费烹饪影片去骨里脊牛排。Learn how to cook spicy boneless tenderloin steaks from a professional caterer in this free cooking video.

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去骨鸡排中填入芝士和小块鸡肉,配有薯条和新鲜田园沙拉。Boneless chicken chop stuffed with chicken ham and cheese, served with french fries and fresh garden salad.

新鲜香茅、薄荷叶、无骨牛小排,加上花生、辣椒等拌匀,再以柠檬汁、鱼露等酱料调味。Boneless beef short rib, lemongrass, mint leaves and peanut tossed with chili paste, lemon juice and fish sauce.

同时,肯德基炸鸡连锁餐馆已经开始制作一系列的新的商业广告,以促销它的新产品——蜜汁无骨烤鸡翅。In the meantime, the restaurant chain has begun work on a series of commercials for its new Honey BBQ Boneless Wings.