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他的反应是被动的。His response was passive.

我们有被动直观化。We have passive visualizations.

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那便是被动直观化。That's the passive visualization.

还是仅仅觉得被动和无助?Or do you feel passive and helpless?

你好,有可能是被动模式的问题。Passive mode not allowed on this server.

他说,“这使我有了更多的被动能力。This gives me more of a passive ability.

别让观众进入被动模式Don’t let them settle into a passive mode

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她更喜欢扮演滑稽角色。He played a passive role in the marriage.

非暴力并非惰性,也非被动。Non-violence is neither inert nor passive.

那种课一般都是用被动的方式讲授。That's normally taught in a passive manner.

反馈表是被动的。For a feedback form, the context is passive.

被动吸烟首先危害你至亲的人。Passive smoke kills your dearest ones first.

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被动型的身体姿势表现为害羞。The passive body type has a withdrawn posture.

无源消雷是可能的吗?。Discussion on the Passive Lightning Eiiminator.

他们以为培训仅仅是被动式的学习。In their minds, training means passive learning.

与过去分词连用,成被动态。Used with past participle to form passive voice.

水面舰拖曳阵声纳用主动还是被动?。Surface ship towed array sonar-Active or passive?

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一种惊人之美诞生了“,用了被动的结构。,–A terrible beauty is born" a passive construction.

还是整起军事行动会进入一个更被动的模式?Or will the mission move into a more passive mode?

第一种是,强力被动防御反应。Second there is the weak passive defense reaction.