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veda的一切都是自然的。Aveda is all natural.

他们是自然法则。They are natural laws.

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这是很自然的事。This would be natural.

这是个天然港。It is a natural harbor.

番茄酱是天然的吗?Is tomato sauce natural?

这是本能的害怕。These are natural fears.

这是个天然港。Tis is a natural harbour.

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我只喜欢天然的东西。I like everything natural.

他是该工作最隹的人选。He is a natural for the job.

怎样做天然泥粉脸膜?How to do natural clay mask?

她是个天生的表演者。She’s a natural entertainer.

我们是天生的修正主义者。We are natural revisionists.

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它摸起来柔软又自然。It is soft and feels natural.

请抹自然色的光泽剂。Natural color polish, please.

天然糖还是白砂糖?Natural sugar or white sugar?

帕迪是一个天生会讲故事的人。Paddy is a natural raconteur.

她说,氰化物也是天然的。She says, Cyanide is natural.

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这个是全天然和安全的。This is all natural and safe.

有些女生就是天生爱哭。Some girls are natural criers.

自然状态下没有等级制度。There is no natural hierarchy.