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那个人结果却是一名冒充者。The man turned out to be an impostor.

那个伪装者用一本假护照旅行。The impostor traveled on a false passport.

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他们认为他不过是个骗子而已。They consider him to be nothing but an impostor.

感谢上帝,终于让这个欺世盗名之徒现出原形了!Thank the gods this impostor had finally been exposed!

那个骗子从相识者那里骗取1000英镑。The impostor sponged 1000 pounds from his acquaintance.

王峥嵘承认自己的女儿冒名顶替上大学的事实。Mira Wang, to recognize his own daughter to college impostor fact.

这骗子被当众揭发,伪装被撕下了。The impostor was exposed publicly and thus stripped of his borrowed plumes.

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只要照相机不移动太大,视点替用特效就能这样被保留。As long as the camera doesn't move too much, the impostor can be kept as is.

让我们假设你的场景中包含了一棵用视点替用特效表现的树。Let's say your scene contains a tree that will be represented by an impostor.

真正的卡丹安全地藏在波瑟达,成功逃过了冒名者和马卡蒂之手。The real Kadann survived both the impostor and Makati, safely in hiding on Bosthirda.

他在专业方面很成功,但他常暗自认为是个冒牌货。He succeeded in his profession, but he always secretly considered himself an impostor.

归根结底,这技巧的运作状况良好,视点替用特效需要带有透明背景。After all, in order for this trick to work, the impostor has to have a transparent background!

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McGregor只是最近发现网络上被假冒的名人当中的一个而已。McGregor is only the latest in a slew of celebrities to find themselves dogged by an online impostor.

女记者、大骗子、户口、特工,此案可以引起许多话题。The female journalist, impostor , registered residence and the secret agent, this case involves so many topics.

当使用视点替用特效图像的时间到来时,请测定你3D对象的屏幕空间的包围矩形。When the time comes to render the impostor image, you determine the screen-space bounding rectangle of your 3D object.

当开始应用时,需为你欲要使用视点替用特效的每个对象创建一个新的纹理对象。When your application starts up, you'll need to create a new texture object for every object that you want to impostor.

第一种情形是当你屏幕空间的包围矩形改变大小的时候,需要重新创建视点替用特效纹理。A first situation in which you should recreate your impostor texture is if the screen-space bounding rectangle changes size.

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她找出一本小说就读出声来,小说写的是负心人的故事,很快就激起了那冒牌修女的义愤。She began to read aloud from a novel—a story of a guilty love, and it promptly stirred the impostor to virtuous indignation.

身份盗用是一种相当复杂的犯罪行为.如果罪犯是你熟知的人,那么这一犯罪的影响就被极具扩大了.我怎么能起诉自己的母亲呢?Identity theft is a complex crime at best. When the impostor is someone known to you, the impact of the crime magnifies dramatically.

当对象的屏幕尺寸达到某个阈值时,你可以依靠渲染一个真实的3D对象来代替视点替用特效以避免问题的发生。You can avoid this by rendering the real 3D object instead of the impostor when the object's screen size exceeds a certain threshold.