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澳大利亚的国花是金合欢花。Australia's National Floral Emblem is the golden wattle.

下垂的肉类似悬垂的部分,如鸟类的垂肉。A pendulous part similar to this, such as the wattle of a bird.

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这款皂帮助了我儿子的湿疹。"The soap has helped my son's eczema"- T. Leckie, Wattle downs.

美洲热带的黑色鸟,长有大的悬垂羽冠和长的有羽毛的肉垂。Black tropical american bird having a large overhanging crest and long feathered wattle.

近年来,人们常用金合欢来表达缅怀和纪念之情。In recent times, the golden wattle has been used as a symbol of remembrance and reflection.

比如,在全国性的祭扫日里,澳大利亚人就会佩戴金合欢树枝。On national days of mourning, for example, Australians are invited to wear a sprig of wattle.

金合欢是澳大利亚分布极广的一种花卉,它也因此成为澳大利亚团结的标志。As one species of a large genus of flora growing across Australia, the golden wattle is a symbol of unity.

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使用透明薄织物或板条百叶窗,在家具或衬托物上增添闪光的金属材料。Use transparent small tissue or attrib wattle shutter, flashy metallic stuff is added on furniture or setoff.

金荆花为澳大利亚的穷人提供了食物、药物以及制作家庭用具和武器的木材。For indigenous Australians, wattle trees provided a source of food, medicines, and wood for utensils and weapons

房子很快建了起来,大多数的房子是把柱子插入土地,用金合欢树的树枝编连,外面再涂满泥。most of them consisted of posts stuck in the ground, interwoven with twigs of wattle trees, and then daubed over with mud.

金合欢是一种分布广泛的常青灌木,生长于疏林和丛林的底部以及灌木丛中。The golden wattle is an evergreen, spreading shrub. It grows in the under storey of open forest, woodland and in open scrub.

在夏威夷随处可见合欢树,这种树造型漂亮,十分好看,是绿化和观赏的好树种。There are wattle trees everywhere , its model is nice and good looking, It is a better kind of tree for afforest and viewing.

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只要皮肤的状况没有严重到像火鸡下巴的肉垂那么夸张,现时是存在有一些低侵入式改善脖子的皮肤外观的美容手术可以选择。These days, less-invasive options exist to improve the appearance of one's neck, provided it isn't a full-blown turkey wattle.

只要皮肤的状况没有严重到像火鸡下巴的肉垂那么夸张,现时是存在有一些低侵入式改善脖子的皮肤外观的美容手术可以选择。These days, less-invasive options exist to improve the appearance of one’s neck, provided it isn’t a full-blown turkey wattle.

澳大利亚的国花是金合欢花。澳大利亚的邮票及许多奖杯奖章的设计中都用到了这一标志。Australia's National Floral Emblem is the golden wattle. It has been used in the design of Australian stamps and many awards in their honours system.

结果表明,调查的枸杞种质材料可以分为软条型、半软条型和硬条型。The results showed that the wolfberry germplasms could be classified into three types on the hardness of its branches hard, moderate hard and soft wattle.

还可以使用“纱帘”等薄质织物,或是根据自家的装修风格适当选用板条百叶窗。Still can use " gauze shade " wait for small qualitative tissue, or it is a basis of oneself decorate a style to choose attrib wattle shutter appropriately.

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结果表明黑荆以种子繁殖为主,繁殖体数量大,银荆以根蘖繁殖为主,繁殖成功率高。The results showed that Black Wattle is prolific in seed production and mainly reproduced sexually, while Silver Wattle sprouts heavily with high survival rate.

本文对广西武鸣县黑荆树营养元素的组成特征以及营养元素与单宁相对含量、总量的关系进行了研究。In this paper, component characteristics of the nutrient elements of black wattle in Guangxi Wunming and their relation to the tannic content and quantum were studied.

尼洛没有想过要耕作那一小块土地,生活在茅草屋顶下,并被稍微比自己贫穷或富有的邻居们称做“先生”。Nello didn't dream of plowing the little land, living under the wattle roof, and being called "sir" by neighbors who were a little poorer or a little richer than Nello.