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你想玩跳房子吗?Do you want to play hopscotch?

比利,跳房子是女孩子玩的游戏。Hopscotch is a girls game, Billy.

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汤姆在和女孩子们玩“跳房子”游戏。Tom is playing hopscotch with the girls.

孩子们在人行道上划方格玩“跳方”游戏。The children squared off the footpath to play hopscotch.

三只小狼正在花园里玩跳房的游戏。The three little wolves were playing hopscotch in the garden.

在我小时候,我曾和其他小孩玩“跳房子”游戏。I used to play hopscotch with other children when I was young.

你不必告诉我6A的情形,我在那里的木地板上玩过跳房子。You don’t have to tell me about 6A. I’ve played hopscotch on its parquet floors.

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跳房子是一种可以多人一起玩或者单独玩的一种儿童游戏。Hopscotch is a children's game which can be played with several players or alone.

他小心翼翼地踱过“跳房子”游戏的场地,上面还有遗忘下的跳石子儿。With careful tread he passed over a hopscotch court with its forgotten pickeystone.

跳房子游戏锻炼了平衡。攀爬杠架有助于锻炼力量,团队运动增强协调性。Hopscotch takes balance, climbing the jungle gym takes strength, and team sports involve coordination.

跳房子是一种可以多人一起玩或者单独玩的一种儿童游戏。同时也是一种很流行的在操场上玩的游戏。Hopscotch is a children's game which can be played with several players or alone. Hopscotch is also a popular playground game.

否则,他们也非常有用绘制在沙滩上,你可能想要做的,如果你想在海边玩跳房子线。Otherwise they are also useful for drawing lines on the sand which you may want to do if you want to play hopscotch at the beach.

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女孩没有男孩疯狂,她们反而在一些游戏中过得很开心比如说跳绳,跳房子,打羽球,踢毽子。Thee girls were no less frantic than the boys when they were having a good time at such games as jump-rope, hopscotch and battledore and shuttlecock.

将跳点法的基本思想应用于求解二维水位抛物型方程,从而构造了一种用于风暴潮数值预报的高效率差分格式。The Hopscotch method is employed in this paper to solve numerically the two-dimensional parabolic equation, hence a high efficiency scheme can be advanced for numerical forecasting of storm surges.