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西溪风景好。Xixi's scenery is good.

她喜欢山景。She enjoys mountain scenery.

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风景如名信片般精致。Scenery as fine as postcards.

你想换下场景。You want a change of scenery.

甭说了,这就是夏景了。Stop, it's the summer scenery.

周老师,岛上的风光怎么样啊?Miss. Zhou, how is the scenery.

布景就是其中之一。One such job is making scenery.

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今天春光明媚。Today, beautiful spring scenery.

他喜欢荒山的景色。He likes savage mountain scenery.

第四类是写景诗。The forth kind is scenery poetry.

不言不语,都是好风景。Keeps silent, is the good scenery.

乐山市是风景旅游城市。Leshan is a scenery touristy city.

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好,那在看风景之前。Okay, before enjoying the scenery.

这里的风景真是美不胜收!The scenery here is simply amazing.

布景质量非常的高!The scenery of a very high quality!

那里的风景太美了。The scenery there was so beautiful.

这儿的景物多么优美啊!What a lovely scenery you have here!

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出街,绝对风景线!On the streets, absolute scenery line!

公园的景致非常幽美、洁净。Park scenery is very beautiful, clean.

这座岛风景真不错。The island's scenery isn't bad indeed.