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那就选择沙拉三明治烤肉吧。Opt for the falafel kebab.


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首先,随便去一家烤肉串的摊子。First, go to any döner kebab stand.

书里还有一个关于烤肉串的趣事。There's also a very amusing incident with a kebab.

比如,牛肉面、羊羔肉、大盘鸡、烤羊肉串等。Beef noodle, lamb meat, big set chicken, kebab etc. for example.

在刮风的天气里,当地人开玩笑说,你能闻到烤羊肉串的气味。On windy days, the locals joked, you could smell the shish kebab.

极其饥饿的我想尝试石榴汁波斯羊肉串。Famished, I went to try the Persian shish kebab with pomegranate sauce.

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坚持一个简单的鸡肉烤羊肉串,你不能出错。Stick with a straightforward chicken shish kebab and you cannot go wrong.

据称囚犯们最喜欢的外卖是羊肉串和比萨饼。The prisoners' favorites included meat Kebab and pizza, the official said.

你的零件也可在某种器官捐献商店里预定。Your spare parts would be made to order in a kind of limb donor kebab shop.

但一串羊肉串是快餐食品中最健康的选择之一。But a shish kebab is one of the healthiest choices on the fast-food circuit.

在街道上,寻找一桩腐败故事就像找一家烤肉串摊点那样简单。On the streets here, tales of corruption are as easy to find as kebab stands.

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慢慢的羊肉串全烤完了,吃饭了,我吃了五串羊肉串和一块牛排。Slowly mutton string baked up all, have a meal, I ate five shish kebab and a steak.

这条街上的上百个小吃店供应各种吃的,从烤肉串到汤一应俱全。Hundreds of food stalls in this street stock with everything from shish kebab to soup.

这条街上的上百个小吃店供给各种吃的,从烤肉串到汤一应俱全。Hundreds of food stalls in this street stock with everything from shish kebab to soup.

她尤其喜欢炸兔头,这是英国深夜烤肉串的四川版。She particularly relishes fried rabbit-heads, the Sichuan version of late-night kebab.

我们吃了伊朗式的快餐,有米饭、酸奶、烤羊肉和生洋葱。We have good Iranian fast food, which consists of rice, yogurt, lamb kebab and raw onion.

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在吃一个夹肉汉堡时,我决定尽快找到一家自行车商店去买一个新鞍座。Over a doner kebab I resolved to find a bicycle shop and buy a new saddle as quickly as possible.

刘对孩子们虚寒温暖一番,叫小男孩挑了两朵玫瑰花送到我的手中,付了钱,送了男孩一个豆腐串。Liu Tao asked the boy send two roses to me, paid the money, and gave another bean curb kebab to him.

“但是有一个叫切尔西·克林顿的人曾在这吃过”,他说“她是个素食主义者,我以我们用茄子给她做了烤肉串。”“But we had Chelsea Clinton here once,” he said. “She’s a vegetarian, so we made her kebab out of eggplant.”