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斯堪的纳维亚地区的水域较广。Lots of water in the Scandinavia area.

我写这篇文章的题材来自于北斯堪的纳维亚半岛。Iam writing this from Northern Scandinavia.

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她在斯堪的纳维亚半岛是一个著名的电视电台新闻人物。She is a well known TV-radio-press personality in Scandinavia.

但是低气压天气系统正进入欧洲和斯堪的纳维亚。But low-pressure weather systems are moving into Europe and Scandinavia.

您想不想在几步内就从瑞士走到斯堪地那维亚?Have you ever wanted to go from Switzerland to Scandinavia in just a few steps?

我们去了17个地方,穿行在中东地区,欧洲,和斯堪的纳维亚之间。But we went to 17 destinations in the Middle East and in Europe and in Scandinavia.

那时世界设计的主导者是美国和斯堪的那维亚。Then is the world leader in the design of the United States and Scandinavia Scandinavia.

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影片没有告诉我们他在斯堪的那维亚做什么,以及为什么有人想杀他。We’re never told what he was doing in Scandinavia or why someone was trying to kill him.

作为一名冰岛人,那讨厌的对象一定是丹麦人了,他们通常都是斯堪的纳维亚半岛上“古怪”的家伙。As an Icelander it has to be the Danes who are, generally, the "weird" dudes of Scandinavia.

最大的圣地在德国茂密黑森林中和斯堪的纳维亚广袤的荒野里。The largest protectorates are in the Black Forest of Germany and the wilderness of Scandinavia.

出乎人们意料之外,这项技术将率先在斯堪的那维亚以及欧洲其他地区实现。For those in Scandinavia and some other parts of Europe, it could be sooner than you might think.

安德森在斯堪的纳亚半岛演唱了三个音乐季,她还为丹麦和瑞典的国王演唱。Anderson sang in Scandinavia for three concert seasons. She sang for the kings of Denmark and Sweden.

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农业向北传播至欧亚大陆,直到西元前3,000年后才传至不列颠和斯堪的那维亚。Farming spread northward throughout Eurasia, not reaching Britain and Scandinavia until after 3000 BC.

风把火山灰吹向南部和东部,经过不列颠、爱尔兰、斯堪的纳维亚半岛,深入欧洲腹地。Winds pushed the plume south and east across Britain, Ireland, Scandinavia and into the heart of Europe.

但是也许在有的文化地域,例如斯堪的纳维亚半岛,我们很难容忍那种不正常的声音。But maybe in some cultures, we are more tolerant to what we in Scandinavia would say, is a deviant voice.

从一个艰难的池的28艺苑冠军,是首次颁发了斯堪的那维亚半岛的一面。From a tough pool of 28 baristas the championship was awarded for the first time out side of Scandinavia.

如果此事成型,法国将成为第一个引入该税的大国。这种税已于先期入主斯堪的纳维亚半岛的一些国家。If it goes ahead, France would be the first big country to adopt such a tax, which exists in Scandinavia.

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这些新移民大部分仍然来自爱尔兰、德国、荷兰和斯堪的纳维亚。The majority of these newcomers continued to come from Ireland, Germany, the Netherlands and Scandinavia.

陈有证据隐现欧洲其他国家的富人甘心居住正在斯堪的纳维亚天域。There is little evidence that the footloose wealthy from other parts of Europe want to live in Scandinavia.

鲜有证据显示欧洲其他国家的富人愿意居住在斯堪的纳维亚地区。There is little evidence that the footloose wealthy from other parts of Europe want to live in Scandinavia.