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是的,很多,而且我经常上到深夜。Yes, many, I often surf the Interne late at night.

增进亚洲博物馆、美术馆网络资源的共享。Increase sharing of Interne resources between museums and art museums of Asia.

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这部电影讲述的是一个女孩和一个男孩在网上邂逅的美丽动人的爱情故事。This movie is a beautiful romance about a girl and a boy who met on the interne.

互联网、手机联姻也使人类在“地球村”生活的梦想正逐步走向现实。The uniting of the Interne and mobile phone is making people's dream of living in a Global Village come true.

但是窃听者可以在不违反物理原理的基础上对量子密码的产生过程进行攻击。However an eavesdropper can interne in the legal users' communication without violate the physical principles.

近年来,网际网路已成为许多人生活上不可或缺的一部分,网路也为人们带来许多的便捷。In recent years, internet has been an essential element of people's life. The interne brings much convenience for people.

首先要做老师布置的家庭作业,然后我就能得到我的爸爸允许看电视和上网。Firstly, I should finish my homework the teacher asks. And then, my father will allow me to watch TV and surf the Interne.

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尽管如此,在现有条件下,我国高校还不能效仿西方高校实行水平测试加综合评价的招生方式,高考仍然有存在的空间。In the current conditions, our country's colleges cannot imitate western enrollment means through interne level tests and comprehensive assessment.

近年来的研究证实,血管内皮在调节心脏循环功能和稳定内环境中起到重要作用。Recent research shows that the vascular endothecium has played a vital role in regulating the cordis circulation and stabilizing the milieu interne.

越来越多的企业在越来越广泛的领域和越来越深入的程度上利用互联网进行商业活动。More and more enterprises conducted through the Interne in an increasingly wide range of areas and increasing the depth extent of commercial activities.

在网络高速发展的当今社会里,网络视频监控将会慢慢取代传统的视频监控,成为视频监控的主导。With the fast growth of Interne t, ne t video monitoring is gradually taking place of traditional video monitoring, and has bec o me a leading video monitoring mode.