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没有投资回报是不可接受的。No return on investment is unacceptable.

我认为这完全不可接受。And I consider that totally unacceptable.

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但是要把我钉死在十字架上,这是不可接受的。But this crucifying of me is unacceptable.

但是不能把我钉在十字架上。But this crucifying of me is unacceptable.

孩子说脏话是完全不能容忍的。It is totally unacceptable for children to swear.

这是耸人听闻,让人完全无法接受的。This is intimidatory and completely unacceptable.

这种效率和成本是不能接受的。This level of inefficiency and cost is unacceptable.

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不,这些都是不能接受的条件。No, these are unacceptable pre-conditions, " she said.

这说明中断阈值是不能接受的。This means the interruption threshold is unacceptable.

这是非常不乐观和不符合逻辑的。What you said is very unacceptable and very unlogical.

在项目层次可能会有不能接受的变更。There may be unacceptable changes at the project level.

许多观众都无法接受明星假唱。Many spectators think that lip-synching is unacceptable.

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在任何情况下都是不能接受的。And it is unacceptable under any circumstances,” she said.

反对党派领导人表示,军方统治将是不可接受的。Opposition leaders said military rule would be unacceptable.

但那似乎是最容易接受的选项了。But that does seem to be the least unacceptable of the options.

服装上出现的任何单丝都是不可接受的。Monofilament thread is unacceptable on any part of this garment.

这些痛苦和流血令人发指,不容接受。The suffering and bloodshed is outrageous and it is unacceptable.

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已婚夫妇认为上网干什么是不能接受的呢?What do married couples consider unacceptable uses of the internet?

任何强行逼迫灾民返回的作法都是不能接受的。Any forced or coerced movement of people is completely unacceptable.

每一种可能都是不成立的,因为其中都包含了除了2和3以外的质因数。Each is unacceptable because it has a prime factor other than 2 or 3.