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马丁路德去世。Martin Luther died.

豌豆是马丁的大爱!Martin loves his peas!

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他把马丁猛推到一旁。He thrust Martin aside.

今晚马丁儿去了?。Where's Martin tonight?

但是马丁没有答腔。But Martin made no answer.

小马丁。路德。京博士。Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

马丁在闲谈中泄露了自己的秘密。Martin tattled his secrets.

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他自己并没有变,他还是那个马丁·伊登,那么,这变化是怎么来的?He was the same Martin Eden.

斯科特尔绝对是个顶尖级的选手。Martin is a top, top player.

马丁眨了眨眼,笑了。Martin winced, then grinned.

学了电影音乐,-是的!With Martin Marks. -Yeah!

她偷看了马丁一眼。She stole a glance at Martin.

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马丁大汗淋漓。The sweat poured from Martin.

托比,这是马丁?勒纳。?。Tobi, this is Martin Learner.

克瑞斯是谁呀、马丁问道。"Who is Kreis?" Martin asked.

马丁萨维奇,在甲板上。Martin Savidge, you're on deck.

马丁是一个干起活来不要命的人。Martin is a real demon for work.

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嘿,嘿!亨利。马丁大声叫。Hullo! Hullo! cried Henry Martin.

还是马丁路德金的梦?Is it Martin Luther King's dream?

你也得开开阿斯顿·马丁。You have to use the Aston Martin.