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国际上,日本经济的长期低迷就是一个典型的例子。Such as the economy of Japan has been stagnancy in long time.

是什么因素造成这种停滞不前的现象,这个问题值得我们深思。What caused this stagnancy is an issue for us to ponder over.

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你之前是否处于停滞不前,你是怎么处理的?Have you been in stagnancy before and how did you deal with it?

正是城市整体竞争力的下降,导致近年来辽宁地区经济实力的逐步下降。And this weakness in competitive power caused an economic stagnancy in this region.

“生涯高原”是描述个体在职业生涯发展中出现停滞状态的一个概念。Career plateau is a conception that describes the stagnancy of one's career development.

对峙时间有5秒钟,现代女性特有的好奇心终于占了上风。Fig5. The exclusive curiosity of fashionable females wins after 5-second silent stagnancy.

人类寿命无端地延长就是“积”。而“积”是违背自然之道的。Life of human extending artificially is called stagnancy which infringes the law of Nature.

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抵挡高温的关键在于抵挡阳光,但太阳可不会乖乖地原地踏步走。Withstand high temperatures hold the key to sunshine, but the sun can not walk obediently stagnancy.

肝郁气滞、冲任失调型多见于非占位变,肝郁火旺、脾不统血型多见于占位变。Intraductal non-papillary lesion was mainly seen in the syndrome of stagnancy of liver-qi and phlegm.

而市政供水具有优势是因为它是不断流动的,这样就可以保持新鲜和避免停滞。Municipal water has an advantage in that it is constantly moving, keeping fresh and avoiding stagnancy.

一般认为,中国政府长期实行的管制政策导致了中国企业债券市场停滞不前。In general, the long term control policy of Chinese government caused the stagnancy of Chinese corporate bond market.

在19世纪俄国诗歌和社会思潮中,中国成了“落后”、“停滞”的象征。So China became the symbol of backwardness and stagnancy in Russian poetry and social trend of thought of 19th century.

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据业界权威透露,事实上广州住宅租赁价格已有多年“原地踏步”。According to the trade authority revealed that, in fact Guangzhou residential rental prices for many years " stagnancy ".

周杰伦的出现打破了亚洲流行乐坛长年停滞不前的局面,为亚洲流行乐坛翻开了新的一页!The emergence of Jay Zhou breaks permanent stagnancy in the Asian music circle and turns over a new page for Asian pop music world.

第二个家给人平静,舒服的感觉,更是一种美的享受,而第一个家却给人凌乱,消沉之感。House number two gives a feeling of calm, joy, and beauty whereas house number one gives a feeling of chaos, depression and stagnancy.

“无为”至此就不应该解释为不动,而应该是完全不武装,没有敌意,和善谦卑、平易近人的与人交往才对。Thus no-action should not interpret as stagnancy. It should be meant no arming, no hostility, modesty, humbleness, amiableness to people.

深陷停滞或者衰退中,社会需要更有生产率和更适应社会需求的劳动力将它拉出泥潭。Being bogged down in stagnancy or recessions, societies are hoping for more productive and more responsive workforces to haul them out of the quagmire.

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阴虚燥热,津亏血少,不能载血循经畅行,也可导致血瘀,故气阴两虚、络脉瘀结是消渴病的重要病机。Yin bright, blood loss-less, not set by circulating never can lead to blood stasis. Therefore, Qi venae stagnancy Diabetes is a major disease pathogenesis.

我国期货市场发展历程中的萧条和繁荣都归因于期货业今昔具体法制环境的不同。In the course of developing Chinese futures market, both stagnancy and flourish on it attribute to the different legal environment of the present from the past.

方法采用重复悬空倒吊法复制肝气郁结大鼠模型,同时给予益坎胶囊混悬液灌胃。Methods Duplicated Stagnancy of liver-qi model by suspending rats upside down in midair over and over, and poured the rats stomach of Yikan capsule simultaneously.