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主机翻译成苗语,瑶和老挝的全球新闻。The hosts translate global news into Hmong, Yao and Laotian.

泰国和老挝政府否认在驱逐这些难民的过程中有强迫行为。The Thai and Laotian governments deny using duress in the deportations.

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当时只有13岁,战火在他附近的丛林震耳欲聋。Still only 13 years-old, the war was raging around him in the Laotian jungle.

老挝没有电力的村庄周末租用太阳能电池板。Laotian villages, without electricity, rent solar energy panels for a weekend.

震源深度20公里,震中位于缅甸同老挝和泰国的交界处,目前已造成至少10人死亡。The epicenter, with a depth of 20.00 km, is close to Thai and Laotian borders.

相他们对越南乡村和老挝人民造成的破坏也是一样的。and they do the same damage to the Vietnamese countryside and the Laotian people.

一些老挝人说,他们无法实现高铁之梦是因为没有中国的帮助。Some Laotian say, they can not realize High-speed rail's dream without China help.

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老挝人,无论其年龄大小,都是我见到过的最可爱的人。Laotian people, whatever their age, are some of the loveliest I have ever encountered.

也许他们是冒牌货,他们假装象是,除非你不熟悉老挝人。Maybe they are an FOB? Most FOB tend to act like unless you're not familiar with Laotian you self.

2010年10月28日,国务院总理温家宝在河内会见老挝总理波松。On October 28, 2010, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao met with his Laotian counterpart Bouasone Bouphavanh in Hanoi.

一户老挝家庭在搭建在湄公河河谷肥沃低地上的一间干栏式茅草屋的荫凉下休息。Laotian family rests in the shade of their stilted, thatched roof hut in the fertile lowlands of the Mekong River valley.

富庶的湄公河谷地,一个老挝家庭正在他们用高杆撑起的茅草屋的阴影下休息。A laotian family rests in the shade of their stilted thatched roof hut in the fertile lowlands of the mekong river valley.

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在老挝的一片丛林深处,一群苗族人看到我后扑拥而来乞求我的帮助。In a clearing deep inside the Laotian jungle, a group of Hmong fall to the ground and beg me for help as soon as they see me.

灰孔雀雉是鸡形目雉科灰孔雀雉属,数量稀少,羽毛色彩较暗淡,叫声清脆响亮,深受老挝人民喜爱,是吉祥的象征。The Gray peacock pheasant, loved by Laotian as the symbol of Propitious, is a rare genus with a sonorous sound and dark feathers.

虽然缺少教材而影响其教学的效率,老挝还是用老挝课程取代了法国教育系统。The French system of education was replaced with a Laotian curriculum, although lack of teaching materials has impeded effective instruction.

属于这个语言的有我国的傣语、壮语、布依语和国外的泰语、老挝语、掸语、坎梯语、白傣语、黑傣语、土语、侬语、岱语和印度的阿洪语等。To this languages belong the Dai, Zhuang and Buyi languages of our country and the languages of the Thai, Laotian etc and the Indian Ahong language.

3月30日至31日,大湄公河次区域经济合作第三次领导人会议将在老挝首都万象召开。March 30 to 31, the Greater Mekong sub-regional economic cooperation will be the third meeting of the leaders held in the Laotian capital of Vientiane.

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介于此,扎维萨克获得了每年分配给老挝学生的仅有的几个美国大学交换项目名额。That accomplishment earned him a spot in a university exchange program in the United States, one of only a handful given to Laotian students every year.

抓狂的泰国、老挝和柬埔寨渔民和农民指责中国的大坝杀光了鱼类,减少了灌溉水量,毁了生计。Distraught Thai, Laotian and Cambodian fisherman and farmers blame Chinese dams for killing off fish stocks, cutting irrigation and disrupting livelihoods.

批评者们总是抱怨中国的基建工程只为当地经济创造了极少的工作,但是老挝官员们却表示这也是没办法的事。Critics sometimes complain that Chinese infrastructure projects produce few jobs for the local economy, but Laotian officials lament that there's no other way.