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他或许该憎恨这一切。He should probably resent it.

我痛恨他的独断作风。I resent his dictatorial manner.

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我们已十分努力而他却讥笑我们,我很反感。I resent the way he sneers at our efforts.

如果你在经理生气时冒犯他,他会迁怒于你。Don't resent me, and when you're feeling empty.

许多岛民对此地的经济改良很生气。Many islanders resent the pace of economic reforms.

某些国家当局憎恨联合国科教文组织的干预。Some national authorities resent UNESCO's meddling.

你认为阿尔伯特会对你的行为感到生气吗?Do you think Albert will resent you for your actions?

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我“不满”所有这些占用了我的宝贵时间的行为。I resent all these encroachments on my valuable time.

现在你们还有几秒钟的时间来嫉恨我。Now here is a couple of seconds for you to resent me.

对他怕是只有怨怼愤恨吧。Is afraid to him is merely resent a Dui rage to dislike.

我讨厌你这话的弦外之音,似乎我的工作不能令人满意。I resent your implication that my work is unsatisfactory.

人民群众对干部特殊化是很不满意的。The people resent it greatly when cadres seek privileges.

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我很反感那种将孤独症视为一种残疾的看法。I resent the assumption that autism is simply a disability.

他可以去信任,但不去记恨让他失望的人。That he could trust, but not resent those who let him down.

如此这般以至于我们不满任何挫伤我们兴奋之情的人。So much so that we resent anyone who dampens our excitement.

还有的是一个手指,摇摆和很多人痛恨。There's been a lot of finger-wagging and people resent that.

看来今天自己纵是输了也不怨人的。Seem today oneself Zong is lose don't resent a person as well.

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我痛恨民进党出此下策/技俩。I resent that the Democratic Progressive Party used this trick.

我学会了碰到障碍时能沉得住气、从不怨天尤人。I learned not to get angry at obstacles, not to resent obstacles.

如果你不表现得像个懒虫,你的爱人就不会对你生气了。If you don't act like a slob, your partner will never resent you.