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它看起来象足了原版执政官。It really is like the original archon.

曙光执政官有技能吗?Will the Twilight Archon have abilities?

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但当执政官望着柴堆的时候,他的内心动摇了。But as he watched the pyre, the archon softened.

执政官的力量集中在一个翼形魔杖上。The focus of the Archon force is a winged magic club.

执政官没有能量或能量消耗技能。Archon does not have energy and energy-dependent ability.

统治者对汉民族文化十分重视和推崇,对书法也不例外。The archon make an emphasis to the culture, and also calligraphy.

你将得到同一种执政官不管你用的是什么圣堂武士的组合。You get the same basic Archon no matter what combo of templars you use.

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什么都不会发生。你将得到同一种执政官不管你用的是什么圣堂武士的组合。Nothing. You get the same basic Archon no matter what combo of templars you use.

经过一股旋转的能量漩涡的融合,我们就成了你们口中的暗黑执政官。Merged within a pool of swirling energy, we are what you would call a Dark Archon.

任何违反法律的执政官都必须在特尔斐塑一尊与真人一样大小的金制雕塑以示惩戒。Any archon infringing them would have to raise a life-size golden statue at Delphi.

燃烧的,深红的数字传播的黑暗执政官害怕过任何战场。The burning, crimson figure of the dark archon spreads fear across any battlefield.

它们看起来很酷,而且会和一些职业技能有叠加效果,例如影之力和执政官。They're awesome looking, and stack with other class effects like Shadow Power and Archon.

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民主国家的统治者比专制统治者拥有更大的共容利益。The archon in the democratic country possesses of more inclusive interest than the autocratic archon has.

不过,这两个神族的分支都保留了将灵魂融合的能力,融合之后就会出现一种可怕的单位——执政官。However, both branches of the templar tradition share the ability to merge their souls to form a deadly archon.

这是最早的Khalai见过甚至听说过一个黑暗执政官,并认为他们是可憎的事。This was the first that the Khalai had ever seen or even heard of a dark archon and considered them to be abominations.

像他们的高圣堂的兄弟,两个黑暗圣堂在牺牲自己心灵感应融合引起的黑暗执政官。Like their high templar brethren, two dark templar sacrifice themselves in a psionic melding giving rise to the dark archon.

黎明执政官也是有技能的,目前给了它们反馈技能,当然还未最终敲定。Yes. In the BlizzCon build, the Twilight Archon had the feedback ability. We are still doing much work on this unit, so none of this is final.

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尤其是弗吉尔星球的执政官比德·塞恩还极力反对。他甚至大肆羞辱莱娅·奥加纳·索洛,逼迫伊索尔德和自己进行荣誉决斗。Archon Beed Thane of Vergill was particularly opposed, and theatrically insulted Leia Organa Solo in order to provoke an honor duel from Isolder.

挣扎和适应他们的技能和武器库的生物转化,以适应他们的恶劣环境,最终导致了在黑暗执政官。Struggling and adapting their arsenal of skills and converting their biology to suit their harsh environment has ultimately resulted in the dark archon.

到487年,首席执行官的权力实际上相当于一个主席的权力,雅典的民主制度犹如经受了战争的洗礼的雏鹰,就要展翅飞翔。By 487 the power of the archon had virtually become that of a chairman . The fledgling democracy was ready to spread its wings and its flight was assured by was.