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这项工作要一抓到底,坚持不懈。This job should catch after all, unremittingly.

一个人只要强烈地坚持不懈地追求,他就能达到目的。——司汤达。A man who pursues his dream unremittingly will make it.

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华泰公司坚持不懈的追求品质零缺陷。Huatai adheres to seeking zero-defect quality unremittingly.

持续烦恼着她的幻觉,突然变得美好。Her delusions, unremittingly ugly, had suddenly grown beautiful.

从最浅显的意义上说,他们非常男子气。They are unremittingly masculine, in the shallowest sense of the word.

坚持不懈地进行“扫黄”“打非”斗争。We will fight unremittingly against pornographic and illegal publications.

但我们还是持之以恒地博斗下去,通过协作,终于成功了。But still we unremittingly to fight on, through cooperation, finally succeeded.

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你的精神会与我同在,激励我勇敢地生活,不懈地努力!Your spirit can with me with, drive that I live bravely , unremittingly diligently!

努力学习,勤奋上进,坚持不懈地提高自己的工作能力和业务水平。Rise unremittingly one's work abilities and vocational level by hard work and diligence.

一时的冲动只是一颗流行,而坚定的信仰,不懈地追求才是永恒的太阳。A fit of impulse is just a popular, but firm faith, pursue unremittingly just is an eternal sun.

7月份轻型车在美国的销售额于上周公布,数字依然惨不忍睹。July’s figures for light-vehicle sales in America, released last week, were unremittingly awful.

多年来伟通人不断鞭策自己,坚持不懈地为打造国际化品牌而努力奋斗着。Over the years, people continue to spur their own, unremittingly to create international brand and strive to.

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我想,我会一直以她为榜样,好好地鼓励自己,坚持不懈地走下去。I think, I will have taken her as role model all the time, encourage myself attentively, go down unremittingly.

整本小说时常接近于讽刺,就像一壶煮了好久好久的水,随时都可能变成蒸汽而爆发。At times, the whole novel borders on caricature, so unremittingly hard-boiled that it threatens to turn to steam.

李登辉抛出“两国论”后,中国政府和人民进行了更加坚决的斗争。The Chinese Government and people have fought more unremittingly after Lee Teng-hui cooked up his "two states" theory.

祖马承诺不懈努力解决南非面临的各种难题Mr. Zuma promised he and his government will work unremittingly to address all the issues of greatest concerns to South Africans.

以“班子建设、教师队伍建设、制度建设、环境建设”为内容的四项建设常抓不懈。To "team-building, teachers, system construction, environmental construction, " the four-building for the content of unremittingly.

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我们要坚持不懈地消除贫困落后,让农民群众早日过上富裕安康的生活。We will work unremittingly to eradicate poverty and backwardness so that rural residents can soon live a prosperous and happy life.

但是发生在那片土地上的暴力事件却为其带来永远的烦恼,那里呈现出的是一种纠缠不清的人类需求与痛苦之间的关系。But the overlay of human violence on its geography is unremittingly ugly. The Rift is a malignant tangle of human need and suffering.

科学真理的巨大力量就在于能够动员和团结广大人民群众,为共同目标而不懈奋斗。The scientific truth's tremendous strength lies in can mobilize and unite the broad masses, for common goal, but struggles unremittingly.