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所以欲望受到了抑制。And this stuff is repressed.

伯莎抑止住逗乐的情绪,开始吃饭。Bertha repressed her gaiety and began to eat.

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那被分裂掉的部分会怎样呢?What happens to those repressed split-off parts?

我有足够的理由压抑我自己I have every reason in the world to be repressed.

我们问到了他们内心被压抑的一个问题。We have asked them a question they have repressed.

军政府镇压了罢工的工人。The military government repressed the striking workers.

骚乱最终被防暴警察镇压下来。The disturbance was repressed at last by the riot police.

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基本上,第十二宫代表的是受压制的想法。Basically, the twelfth house represents repressed thoughts.

在进入性器期之前,性欲一直是被压抑着的。And then, sex is repressed until you get to the genital stage.

我想知道,是被压抑的气恼,还是轻佻。I wanna know if it was repressed black anger or just giddiness.

最近这一波抗议可能会衰减下去,或者被残酷的镇压。The current wave of protests may die down or be brutally repressed.

你们压抑了紧张,同时也一道儿压抑了你们的幸福和性福。By repressing the tension, you've also successfully repressed your joy.

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他抑制了最初的那种慷慨心情,在英雄主义面前退缩了。He repressed this first, generous instinct, and recoiled before heroism.

该国许多政治领导人和知识分子被杀害或镇压。Many of its political and intellectual leaders were killed or repressed.

被压抑的愤怒确实会像最残酷的字眼一样毒害关系。Anger repressed can poison a relationship as surely as the cruelest words.

我曾经挣扎,但没用,我压不住我的感情。In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed.

我们发现情意已经被取代,变得疯狂、倒错、及新陈代谢,但是并没有被压抑。One finds it displaced, mad, inverted, metabolised, but it is not repressed.

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士兵的棺木令所有的美国人感到沉重,然而都深深地压抑着这种痛苦。The coffins have weighed on all Americans, however deeply repressed the pain.

经过多年受人轻视和压制感情,她发觉自己失去勇气。After years of belittlement and repressed emotions she finds herself no courage.

为什么迄今为止所有这些努力都要么半途而废,要么干脆被压制?Why is it that all such efforts have so far either been half baked or else repressed?