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我是英国爱丁堡龙比亚大学的BA学生。I am a BA student in Edinburgh Napier University.

纳皮尔大学位于苏格兰的首都兼主要大城爱丁堡。Napier University is situated in Edinburgh, Scotland's capital and a major UK city.

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昨晚,纳皮尔大学产品设计系主任理查德·弗斯对该发明大加赞赏。Richard Firth, head of product design at Napier University, last night hailed the invention.

纳皮尔简化了计算工作,但手边必须有对数表手册才能进行计算。Napier had simplified computational tasks, but ready access to books of log tables was crucial to the procedure.

1614年,苏格兰数学家纳皮尔发现了对数,使得数字的乘跟除可以加减替代。In 1614, John Napier discovered the logarithm which made it possible to perform multiplications and divisions by addition and subtraction.

内皮尔教授说,在2万至3万年前,一颗彗星突然冲进太阳系内部,并且从那时起就一直被瓦解。Prof Napier says a comet swooped into the inner solar system between 20, 000 and 30, 000 years ago and has been breaking apart ever since.

1913年,巴黎,香奈儿专心投入已成名的事业并与富裕的亚瑟卡柏热恋中。In 1913, Paris, the fragrant napier son wholly absorbed investment has become famous the enterprise and is in love with the wealthy Arthur card cypress.

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将对数函数加进数字计算器和计算机后,这些过程就被进一步简化了。These processes have been further simplified by the incorporation of logarithmic functions into digital calculators and computers. See also John Napier.

纳皮尔大学以提供多元化的课程而自豪,包含工程、资讯、商业、媒体研究、设计、社会科学和健康学。Napier prides itself it its wide choice of courses, from engineering, science and IT, to business, media studies, design, social sciences and health care.

以皇竹草腋芽或顶芽作外植体,接种在脱分化培养基上培养,可获得胚性愈伤组织。Embryonic calli could be obtained from explants such as terminal buds and axillary buds of hybrid giant napier inoculated in induced media during tissue culture.

社交球的设计者是爱丁堡纳皮尔大学产品设计系的学生,伊莱恩·麦克卢思凯,她希望该设计能让人们在喧闹嘈杂的酒吧或俱乐部进行私密的交谈The spheres have been designed by Product Design student, Elaine McLuskey from Napier University to enable people to hold intimate conversations in busy bars and clubs

皮尔在美国和英国员工的奖金依工龄而定,该公司在中国与泰国的员工也可从另一基金分红。Napier in the United States and Britain of employees according to seniority bonuses may be the company in China, Thailand and employees may also be from another fund dividends.

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我当时一点也没料到,基督城和坎特伯雷中部的一小片社区在上周六活生生地验证了我的设想,这次地震是自1931年纳皮尔地震以来新西兰历史上最具破坏性的地震。Little did I know that Christchurch and the smaller communities of central Canterbury would be tested this last Saturday, with the most damaging earthquake since 1931 in Napier.