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您得了鼻炎。You have rhinitis.

如何治疗季节性鼻炎?How to treat seasonal rhinitis?

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慢性鼻炎怎么才能治好?How can chronic rhinitis just cure?

什么触发非过敏性鼻炎?What triggers non-allergic rhinitis?

为什么鼻炎的人老打哈欠?Why the person old gape of rhinitis?

怎么预防过敏性鼻炎?How to prevent irritability rhinitis?

我的鼻炎为什么一直好不了?My rhinitis why good all the time not?

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怎么样治疗鼻炎啊?怎样保养啊?How to treat rhinitis ? How to maintain?

鼻炎可过敏性或非过敏。Rhinitis can be allergic or non-allergic.

过敏性鼻炎怎样煎药?。Irritability rhinitis how decoct medicine?

过敏性鼻炎该如何治疗?How should be irritability rhinitis treated?

过敏性鼻炎会有什么症状?What symptom can irritability rhinitis have?

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萎缩性鼻炎是非常困难的治疗。Atrophic rhinitis is very difficult to treat.

鼻炎会不会发展成鼻癌?几率大不大?Can rhinitis develop nose cancer? Is odds big?

用于急,慢性鼻炎的症状。Relief of acute and chronic rhinitis symptoms.

这个医学术语,是味觉性鼻炎。The medical term for this is gustatory rhinitis.

对于慢性鼻炎,鼻窦炎,过敏性鼻炎。For Chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis.

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感冒性鼻炎用什么药比较好???。With what medicine is cold sex rhinitis better? ? ?

缓解急,慢性鼻炎的症状。Relief of acute and chronic rhinitis nasal symptoms.

咽炎和鼻炎是怎么患上的呢?How are pharyngitis and rhinitis to suffer from go up?