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他们从市中心分租了一个小办公室。They sublease a small office in the centre of town.

第八条转租的约定-不能转租。Article 8 The agreement of sublease. -can not sublease.

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房屋转租的租期,不得超过原租约的租期。The term of the sublease shall not exceed the term of the original lease.

对转租的立法规定,世界上存在自由主义和限制主义二种模式。There are two models of liberalism and restrictionism in sublease legislation.

这里的租赁活动大大减少,而转租市场的增长。Leasing activity here has greatly diminished while the sublease market has grown.

承租人提起,出租人同意。可将租赁物,转租第三人。Subject to consent by the lessor, the lessee may sublease the lease item to a third person.

其中土地租赁权转租具有代表性,可分为同意转租与自行转租两种情形,其法律效力亦因之有所不同。The legal effects are difference between the sublease agreed by the leasor and the one disagreed by the leasor.

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承租人经出租人同意,可以依照本办法将承租房屋转租。The lessee may sublease the leased premises with the consent of the lessor in accordance with these Procedures.

在国际租船领域,因为自由转租的存在,多重转租较为常见。In the international market of charter, right to sublease is of great freedom and multiple sublease is quite common.

第十条未经甲方书面同意,乙方不得将出租房屋全部或部分转租于他人。Article 10 Party B shall not sublease whole or part of the house to any other people without written consent of Party A.

土地转租是近代中国农村普遍存在的一种现象,多年来学术界少有关注。Land sublease is a common phenomenon in the countryside of modern China, to which the academic circle doesn't pay much attention.

您可以添加自己的信息在这里被列为转介及您可以列出您的公寓作为可供转租。You can add your own information here to be listed as a referral and you can list your apartment as being available for sublease.

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乙方转租该房屋,应按规定与接受转租方订立书面的转租合同。Party B, who intends to sublet the said house shall sign, in accordance with the relevant regulations, a sublease contract with the sub-lessee.

违法转租虽然未经出租人同意,但其属性是负担行为,在法律上是有效行为。Although illegal sublease isn't authorized by the lessor, it is a valid behavior on the law and belongs to the verpflichtuyngeschaeft in nature.

房屋转租是承租人不退出租赁关系而将房屋出租给他人使用并获得利益的行为,它具有其自身的法律特征及法律效力。In this essay, sublease is defined as a lessee who rents the house to others and makes a profit and does not withdraw from the contract by lease.

土地租赁权的流转是土地租赁权在不同的土地使用者之间的转移,包括转让、转租与抵押三种形式。The transfer of land leasehold is the transfer of land lease among different land users. It includes three forms, and sublease is the most common type.

自转租或交换时起,次承租人或交换人应当签订修正协议以变更本合同项下的当事人,并继续履行本合同。Upon sublease or exchange, the sub-lessee or exchanger shall enter into an amendment to change the parties hereto and continue to perform the Contract.

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未经甲方同意,乙方不得将承租房转租或分租,并合理使用租赁的房屋。Party B shall reasonably use the rented house and shall not lease or sublease the rented house to another party without the prior consent of the Party A.

必须签定转租合同,重新议定租金和其它合同条款并办理租赁登记手续。A sublease contract shall be made. The rent and other terms of the contract shall be concluded by both Parties. Subleasing register formal shall be transacted.

第三十条房屋承租人可以将所租入的房屋转租他人,但须征得房产主同意。Article 30 The lessee of a building may sublease the building he has rented to another person, provided that the consent of the owner of the building property must be obtained.