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让我称称看。Let me weigh it.

我重170磅.I weigh 170 pounds.

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起锚了,男孩。Weigh anchor, Boys.

那他们的行头有多重呢What do they weigh?

掂掂这有多重。Weigh this in your hand.

年岁使他衰颓。His years weigh him down.

我觉得他们穿的很多I think they weigh a lot.

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能帮我称一下重量吗?Can you weigh this for me?

我们现在起锚吗?Shall we weigh anchor now?

我们必须尝试着进行权衡。We must try to weigh them.

我们应该称称这封信。We should weigh the letter.

给莲蓉馅称重。Weigh the lotus seed paste.

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狼崽的重量是多少?How much do wolf pups weigh?

一片云有多重?How much does a cloud weigh?

江伯一定有好几吨重。Jumbo must weigh a few tons.

为什么不称称那只海牛呢?Why not weigh that manatees?

我把它称一称行冯?CanI have the OK to weigh it?

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让我用秤称一下重量。Let me weigh it in a balance.

手提包不必过秤了。You need't weigh your handbag.

你不要因此背包袱。Don't let it weigh on your mind.