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我一家人都讲因努伊特语。My family all speak the Intuit language.

虽然谷歌与通胀调情,但却监控了就业。While Google flirts with inflation, Intuit monitors employment.

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不知为何,学生们能够分辨出鸟类和鱼类的名字。Somehow they were often able to intuit the names’ birdiness or fishiness

雇主是否知道犹太研究硕士学位的价值还不明朗。Whether employers will intuit the value of a master’s in Jewish studies is unclear.

芭芭拉的姊妹卡伦会用直觉知道磁音带上的好资讯而将它们送给我。Barbara's sister, Karen, would intuit what tapes had good information on them and send them to me.

三年之后,他辞去了在Intuit公司综合管理项目的正职工作,全身心投入到网站建设中。It was three years before he quit his day job in a general management program at Intuit to work on the site full time.

吉尔里说,他们的身体本能地知道自己是安全的,因此在进入现实社会之前,就能花费充足的时间完善社会技能。Their bodies intuit they are safe and time is taken perfecting social skills before entering the real world, Geary said.

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法官凭直觉也知道,不管自由意志是否存在,我们的社会有赖于每个人对自由意志存在的信仰。His judges pragmatically intuit that regardless of whether free will exists, our society depends on everyone’s believing it does.

他们自己独自去探索发现并无需对问题经过一系列逻辑的和线性的步骤而直接推理出结果。They make discoveries on their own and can often intuit the solution to a problem without going through a series of logical, LINEAR steps.

科学家认为,只要模仿其他人的口音动动你的嘴皮子,就会让你直觉般地了解那古怪的话语模式,并懂得他们要说些什么。The scientists say that simply moving your mouth like other folks do allows you to intuit their potentially eccentric speech patterns, and get what they say.

信用卡公司还能在整个经济中不断收取费用真是奇怪。“It seems really odd that credit card companies can continue to charge a tax on the economy, ” says Aaron Patzer, founder of the financial management service, which is now owned by Intuit.