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这次西方的确表扬了他。The West duly praised him.

有赏有罚。Duly mete out rewards and punishments.

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我辞职了,并适当地领取了一笔退休金。I resigned and was duly pensioned off.

人们一定认为我的心是铁石锻造的。Those people must have thought me duly cold-hearted.

哈克没有做声,心里却在编出一个相当小心的回答。Huck was silent while he framed a duly cautious reply.

于是我们也就按时到达,真诚地去回应朋友的愿望。And that wish is heartily reciprocated. We duly turn up.

你们尽可释怀,我们会按时交货的。You may rest assured that the shipment will be duly delivered.

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假如这些诗歌是树叶的话,它们就会适时地掉落。Had these been leaves of trees they would have duly dropped off.

任天堂正式授权控制器尼龙粘扣带钱包。Nintendo Controller Nylon Velcro Wallet has been duly authorized.

那个象征性的,抹消杜勒斯轻侮的握手恰如其分地发生了。The symbolic handshake that erased Dulles's snub duly took place.

作为证据,本人于此正式签定本授权委宛书。IN WITNESS WHEREOF I cause this Power of Attorney to be duly signed.

我们如期收到您5月27日函加附来的150英镑的汇票。We duly receive your favour of the 27th May, with a draft for £ 150.

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刘德顺将交出合同正式便携产品向承运人。Deshun will hand over the duly packed contract products to a carrier.

真是适时的讽刺啊。也许下次你就不会这么快想甩脱我了。Irony duly noted. Maybe next time you won't be so quick to dismiss me.

您昨天的信和所附来的15英镑5先令的支票均已收悉。Your favour of yesterday covering a cheque of £15 5s. is duly to hand.

如果你方对合同圆满签字给予关照,我们将十分高兴。We shall be glad if you will se to it that the contract is duly signed.

请于填妥及签署表格后将其交回卓佳投资者服务处。Please return the form, duly completed and signed, to our Public Office.

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纬线感应装置在喷嘴的前面配备有电子感应装置,可以自动检测纬线的供应。The weft detector in the front of nozzle can supervise weft supple duly.

如果你方对合同圆满签字能给予关照,我们将十分高兴。We shall be glad if you will see to it that the contract is duly signed.

本协议已由中荷水务合法有效地签署和交付。This Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered by SDWIG.