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他们的婚姻出现了裂痕。A nuptial breach appeared between them.

弥撒中降福婚配,是什麽意思?What is the meaning of the Nuptial Blessing at Mass?

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而且她还有一场穿婚纱的婚礼戏。And she gets to don a wedding dress for a nuptial scene.

白色的婚纱,美丽的花海等等是必不可少的。The white nuptial dress, beautiful Huahai and so on is essential.

因此做出了这个婚纱影楼管理系统。Therefore has made this nuptial dress shade building management system management system.

或许火红的灯笼印衬下的房顶就是他们今晚的洞房吧。Perhaps under the fiery red lantern India lining roof is they tonight the nuptial chamber.

这种对变化和无变化的信念,希望导致的婚绳结,他总结道。This hope for change and belief in changelessness leads tying of nuptial knots, he concluded.

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然而婚庆糕点史比这些现代仪典表现的还要离奇。The history of the nuptial pastry, though, is even stranger than these modern rituals suggests.

真是再好没有。约逊和玛丽他们的事业很成功而且还喜结良缘。John ane Mary at they have a very successful of tie the nuptial knot really I' d like nothing better.

只有处子才可以在约翰想象,的羔羊婚礼上唱这首婚礼之歌。And it's virgins who get to sing the nuptial song at the wedding of the lamb that John also envisions.

姑娘同意去了,这又使得她的母亲心里头想到这门亲事的前景。Her mother could not repress her consciousness of the nuptial Vision conjured up by the girl's consent.

婚姻的法庭上,在审理这一对的案件时,天秤就是法官,而双子则是热烈响应的陪审团。In the case of this pair, Libra is the judge and Gemini is the responsive jury in the nuptial courthouse.

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在美洛和所飒举行婚礼的这一天,王后并没有到场,她不希望宴会上出现什么意外来破坏气氛。On their nuptial day, the Queen did not go to the ceremony, as she did not want anything terrible to happen.

如果周围有极少潜在的伴侣,男人会推迟甚至放弃结婚,遗失这种婚礼的美好。If there are fewer potential mates around, men may delay marriage or forgo it entirely, losing out on these nuptial niceties.

简洁的蕾丝拖尾婚纱十分文雅,可以搭配一双黑色的帆布鞋会比绑带凉鞋时尚百倍。Simple lace the trailing nuptial dress very elegant, with a pair of black canvas shoes, sandals fashion than a hundred times.

她并没有出门旅行或者加班,而是带着塞满现金的“红色炸弹”奔波于婚礼现场间。Rather than traveling or working overtime, she was busy hopping from nuptial to nuptial arming "red bombs" with piles of cash.

工厂设有门店,批零兼营,并承接国内外品牌婚纱OEM订单!The factory has the gate shop, both wholesale and retail, and manages the domestic and foreign brand nuptial dress OEM orders!

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最后还要注意准备一点抗过敏的的药,以备婚礼进行时新娘的不时之需。Ultimately still need to note to prepare 1 points anti- allergy of of medicine with have nuptial steer bride of often it need.

如果新人想在婚礼过程中制造一些高潮,还可利用汽球做出爆破效果。If the New appointee wants to make some high tides in the nuptial course and repays available bladder to commit blow up result.

躺在榻上杜无双却是睡不着,他的洞房,一生便只这一次啊。It is matchless merely namely apt could no slumber apt lie Du on ugg boots Ta, his nuptial chamber, entire life then fair this period.