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这两人是拉布拉斯加的哈格尔和伊利诺的迪克都班。The two are Chuck Hagel of Nebraska and Dick Durban of Illinois.

上一次是2000年的德班宣言,它再次强调H.The last was the 2000 Durban Declaration, which reaffirmed that H.

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萨尼雷和薛佛是德班市郊外的两名高中生。Sanele and Shepherd are two high school students from just outside Durban.

恩科西是2000年在德班举行的第十三届世界爱滋病大会上的一个焦点人物。Nkosi was the star of the 13th International AIDS Conference in Durban in 2000.

由于在德班的表现,加拿大还获评环保组织评选的“年度顽固不化奖”。Green groups awarded the country their Fossil of the Year award for its performance in Durban.

从德班这个夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省的商业、工业和娱乐中心开始您的旅程吧。Start your journey in Durban the hub of KwaZulu-Natal's business, industry and entertainment worlds.

欧盟在德班会议上已经将另一个敏感话题——京都议定书与之相联系。The EU has linked it to another hypersensitive issue on which Durban could founder, the Kyoto protocol.

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德班是祖鲁文化的门户,在德班,游客可以感受到强烈的祖鲁文化气息。Durban is also a gateway to the Zulu Kingdom, where tourists can experience the intensity of Zulu culture.

1909年7月26日,由墨尔本驶往伦敦的豪华蒸汽邮轮”特洛塔号”载着211名乘客及船员从德班起航,预计三天后到达开普敦但事实是它从未到达。ON JULY 26th 1909 the SS Waratah, en route to London from Melbourne, left Durban with 211 passengers and crew.

尼日利亚环保人士巴塞在德班会议中心的大门外向群众讲话。Nigerian environmental activist Nnimmo Bassey addressed the crowd outside the gates of the Durban convention center.

但是他希望罗本能够及时康复,能赶上6月19日在德班对阵日本以及五天后在开普敦对阵喀麦隆的比赛。But he hopes Robben will be fit in time to face Japan on June 19 in Durban and Cameroon five days later in Cape Town.

据说只有在德班会议同意限制新兴经济体的的基础上,他才会同意支持新的承诺。It says it will support a second commitment only if the Durban summit agrees binding cuts for the emerging economies.

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你可以到德班乘乘人力车,那里的人力车夫头上都戴着华丽的头饰,给你不同的体验。You can take a ride on a rickshaw, a distinctive Durban experience, with the drivers decorated in ornate headdresses.

你可以到德班乘乘黄包车,那处的黄包车夫头上都戴着富丽的头饰,给你差异的体验。You can take a ride on a rickshaw, a distinctive Durban experience, with the drivers decorated in ornate headdresses.

代表团在德班会议上的表现不过是既得利益集团发出的一种反对宣言而已。The delegation’s behaviour at the Durban session was merely a manifesto of the opposition from vested interest groups.

约翰内斯堡、合恩角城和德班的主要体育馆最有可能用于当地的体育比赛和文化活动。The main stadiums in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban will most likely be used for local sports and cultural events.

你可以到德班乘乘人力车,那里的人力车夫头上都戴着华丽的头饰,给你不同的体验。You can take a ride on a rickshaw, a distinctive Durban experience, with the drivers decorated in ornate headdresses.

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几次的游艇报道重型飑在夜间与德班举行的2010年及以后是衡量一个阵风为66海里。Several of the yachts reported heavy squalls during the night with Durban 2010 and Beyond measuring a gust of 66 knots.

由于11月28日德班举行气候大会迫在眉急,这份承诺在下一年度的联合国首脑会议上也将成为谈论热点。This commitment will also be a big talking point at the next annual UN summit, due to start in Durban on November 28th.

在今年夏天的沃达丰挑战杯上,曼联将在开普敦、德班和斯瓦尼比赛。United will play in Cape Town, Durban and Tshwane when the Vodacom Challenge tournament is held in South Africa this summer.