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但唐古拉又是残酷无情的。But Tanggula is brutal callosity.

长年俯地作画,令他双手布满老茧。For years, he prone paint and his hands full of callosity.

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陈国盛抚摸着食指上的老茧笑着说。Chan Kwok-Shing's index finger touched callosity said with a smile.

地震无情地将一个个鲜活的生命葬送于黄泉,毁灭了多少个家庭?Seismic callosity ground each fresh life put an end to at Acheron , how many family to destroy?

地震无情,大爱无边,希望这个活动能帮助到灾区的人们。Seismic callosity , love immensity greatly, hope this vivid kinetic energy helps the people of disaster area.

看见你的现实,倾泻于无情的冷漠,掩藏在无瞳的双眼,占据着无谓的灵魂。Saw your reality, pouring into apartness of callosity , concealing in the unanimated eyes, inhabiting the senseless.

假如脚跟、脚底长出老茧让你吃尽苦头,先精心修剪翘出来的干皮。If calcaneal, sole grows a callosity to let you have bitter taste, first elaborate clip becomes warped the dry skin that come out.

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对库利来说,非洲既是个美丽的充满神奇的土地,但它也处处存在无情的危险和灾难。To library benefit, african since be full of magical land bonnily, but the jeopardy that it also puts in callosity everywhere and disaster.

这几天我看到的三篇讲话,讲的事情虽是耳朵能磨出老茧的事情,但是他们讲出了新意,表达就是与众不同。These days I see three speech, speaks the thing is the ear can grind a callosity of things, but they tell the new, expression is extraordinary.

人在做,天在看,彪悍跋扈的韩江也从没想过自己会被欲望无情吞噬。The person is being done, the day is looking, biao Han's rampant Han Jiang never also has thought him to be able to be gobbled up by libidinal callosity.

西方的电视里面通过故意删减拼凑镜头和被采访者的语录,拼命在西方舆论媒体中制造中国民众火车站暴动,警察暴力镇压和政府不通人情的不实报道!They cut and patched up scenes and quotes of interviewees, to make an all-in effort on fake stories about unrest in railway stations, violent crackdown and callosity of the government.