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在我看来这个学生就像村上春树笔下未经训练的小说家。To me, this student is like Murakami’s untrained novelist.

对外行人来说,这炭笔素描看来毫无价值。To the untrained eye, the charcoal sketch looks worthless.

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一匹未经训练的马听到枪响受了惊。An untrained horse had taken fright at the sound of gunfire.

未经训练的人一般会在2分钟以内。An untrained person will typically pass out within 2 minutes.

对于非专业人士来讲,那个模型可能看上去像是一个非常复杂的桥墩。To the untrained eye, it might have looked like a very complex pier.

每天都有新机会,但未经磨练的眼睛却视而不见。Opportunities happen every day, but the untrained eye fails to see it.

具有优美结构以及经过重构的代码,在菜鸟的眼里,是笨拙而粗陋的。Well-structured and refactored code can look awkward to an untrained eye.

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部署未受过训练的志愿者也能产生负面后果。The deployment of untrained volunteers can also have negative ramifications.

那些未经训练的“医生”们承担了村民大部分的医疗服务。Untrained practitioners who call themselves doctors handle most medical needs.

双方未经训练的士兵在维吉尼亚西部山脉中交战。Untrained soldiers from both sides fought in the mountains of western Virginia.

怀有其它顾虑的非专业人士可能会犯严重的经济错误。Untrained people with other things on their minds can make serious economic errors.

所以用这种药,即使没有被训练过的懒老鼠也能跑的同那些不嗑药的运动员老鼠一样快。So with the second drug, even lazy, untrained mice ran as far as trained, drug-free mice.

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这个任务极其艰巨,因为很多FBI探员从没有被训练过,也有很多根本不知道如何在盛怒之下开枪射击。It was a tough task because the FBI men were untrained and some had never fired a gun in anger.

不言而喻,用训练有素的运动员代替没有受过训练的运动员是明智的。It is self-evident that it is wise to substitute well- trained sportsmen for untrained sportsmen.

非专业运动员可以帮助研究人员了解未经训练的人们对同一效应的体验。The nonathletes can help investigators assess whether untrained people experience the same effects.

这种充满着舞蹈、掌声和喊叫的礼拜或许会令不习惯于此的人感到刺耳。They are full of dancing, clapping, screaming and shouting that may seem jarring to the untrained ear.

在疲劳状态下快速奔跑会促使你的肌肉纤维得到增强,否则就得不到锻炼。Running fast while fatigued forces your body to recruit muscle fibers that might otherwise go untrained.

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一定是那只年幼的,不驯顺的狗把它们追赶到矿场边,它们从那里掉下去丧了命。The young, untrained dog must have chased them up to the edge of the pit, where they fell to their death.

对48位健康妇女进行有氧和无氧运动,研究运动强度和运动时间对血浆脂蛋白的改善作用。We studied the effects of anaerobic and aerobic training on lipoprotein level in 48 healthy untrained women.

1937年的12月13日,日本军队入侵南京,当时南京只有几支非正规部队与其抗衡。On December 13, 1937 the Japanese invaded Nanjing which only had a few untrained auxiliary troops as their defense.