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最初,他只想对莫洛托夫进行礼节性的拜访。He had at first wanted only to make a courtesy call on molotov.

射击敌人手中的燃烧瓶,手榴弹或者手雷。Shoot an enemy Molotov cocktail, dynamite stick, or hand grenade.

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一天,马歇尔在美国使馆举行宴会,招待东道国的外长莫洛托夫。Embassy in honor of Molotov , the foreign minister of the host country.

于是“第三阶段”与莫洛托夫便一道被共产国际辞退了。The "third period" was pensioned off, and so was Molotov himself from the Comintern.

趁此机会,年轻的德军士兵们使用“铁拳”和燃烧瓶给予苏军沉重打击。Wilker's boy soldiers attacked the remainder with Panzerfausts and Molotov cocktails.

莫洛托夫人一次又一次地出现,被不同的人以不同的目的操纵。Molotov Man kept appearing and reappearing, used by different players for different purposes.

福罗里达州的大火烧毁了数千英亩的田地,这可能是由莫洛托夫鸡尾酒瓶炸弹点燃的。Wildfires that burned thousands of acres in Florida may have been sparked by a Molotov cocktail.

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本月初,库尔德示威者在与土耳其防暴警察的冲突中投掷燃烧弹。Kurdish demonstrators threw Molotov cocktails during a clash with Turkish riot police earlier this month.

1月16日,库尔德激进分子在与库尔德防爆警察的冲突中投掷了燃烧弹。On Jan. 16, Kurdish militants threw Molotov cocktails during clashes between militants and the Turkish riot police.

您全新的庞大军械库里应有尽有,手榴弹、火焰喷射器和燃烧弹等等,利用它们击败敌对黑帮成员。Defeat rival gang members by using a new arsenal of weapons including grenades, flame throwers and Molotov cocktails.

正如暮色降临,被扔燃烧瓶穿过广场,引发多处大火肆虐的巷战。As dusk fell, Molotov cocktails were thrown across the square, sparking fires in several places as street battles raged.

埃及民众通过电视直播看到,年轻男子在开罗圣马可科普特基督教堂附近的屋顶上用手枪射击,并投掷燃烧瓶。Egyptians watched on live TV as young men on rooftop shot handguns and threw Molotov cocktails near the Saint Mark Coptic Christian cathedral in Cairo.

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抗议者手持棍棒和燃烧瓶与部队发生了冲突,迫使政府启动了警戒。Clashing with Army troops in the streets, the protesters wielded sticks and Molotov cocktails, provoking the government to institute a state of emergency.

星期日早晨,雅典中心的暴乱仍在继续,一群示威者向警察扔石头和燃气弹,而警察则向示威人们释放催泪瓦斯。Riots continued through Sunday morning in central Athens. A group of demonstrators threw stones and Molotov cocktails at police who responded with tear gas.

示威者向英国使馆大楼投掷石块和燃烧瓶,导致部分建筑设施和办公设施被损毁。British Embassy to the demonstrators threw stones and Molotov cocktails building, causing part of the construction facilities and office facilities were damaged.

其他闯入停放的汽车和燃烧瓶他们下车,推倒路标粉碎自动取款机,并通过超市的玻璃门坠毁。Others broke into parked cars and set them alight with Molotov cocktails, pulled down signposts to smash ATMs, and crashed through the glass doors of a supermarket.

通过一系列的升级,比如政委,莫洛托夫鸡尾酒和额外的步枪,他们可以获得一些可观的战斗能力,而且,他们人多势众。Trough a variety of upgrades, like the commissar, molotov cocktails or extra rifles, they can gain some considerable combat strength though. And there will be many of them.

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军队已开火,不过主要是向抗议者的上空开枪,抗议者使用弹弓发射燃烧弹。The army opened fire, though for the most part soldiers appeared to be aiming over the heads of the protesters, who attacked with Molotov cocktails launched from slingshots.

眼看着自己的房子将被强制拆迁,上海市闵行区的潘蓉抛掷自制燃烧瓶,向有关部门表示抗议。她也被网友们称为“勇敢的女人”。Pan Rong, from Minhang district of Shanghai, was called "a brave woman" by netizens for throwing self-made Molotov cocktails at authorities to protest the forcible demolition of her house.

它被命名后,前苏联外交部长维亚切斯拉夫莫洛托夫他们所认为的战争责任,并幽默参考为“莫洛托夫面包篮称为苏联弹”在芬兰。It was named after former Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov whom they deemed responsible for the war, and a humorous reference to the Soviet bombs known as "Molotov bread baskets" in Finland.