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如何显示在数据库中的所有BGP路由?How to display all the BGP in the database route?

目前的BGP模拟效率都相对较低。Most of current BGP simulation has pretty low efficiency.

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应用此方法对正常人和六种骨代谢疾病进行了血清BGP浓度的测定。The serum BGP values were detected in normal subjects and six bone metabolic diseases.

提出了一种系统实现协议健壮性测试的新方法。A systematic robustness testing approach was proposed. First the RI-Pro of BGP was analyzed.

提出了BGP的路由选择通知功能扩展,为域间分组过滤提供过滤标准。This paper proposes to extend BGP with route selection notice to provide filtering criteria.

基于BGP协议构造的域间路由系统是因特网的基础设施。The inter-domain routing system based on BGP is the key routing infrastructure in the Internet.

为了更好地控制路由策略,当前大部分的营运商均将BGP部署到骨干路由器。Attempting to better control routing strategy, most operators deploy BGP to backbone node routers.

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结果显示,攻击期间,监测点的BGP更新消息数是正常情况下的30倍。The attack was correlated with a 30-fold increase in the BGP update messages at a monitoring point.

骨钙素是英国最成功的和持续时间最长的方案雄心勃勃的老板经理和MD的。BGP is the UK's the most successful and longest-running programme for ambitious owner managers and MD's.

基于流量需求的BGP最优路径选择是域间流量工程研究的一个问题。Optimal BGP route selection on traffic demand is one of the problems in interdomain traffic engineering.

目的观察密骨丹穴位外敷对原发性骨质疏松症患者骨钙素、羟脯氨酸的影响。Objective To observe effects of acupoint sticking of Migudan on BGP and Hyp in the patients of primary osteoporosis.

根据BGP的异常流量模式,提出了基于流的监控域间路由异常流量的系统模型。According to the BGP anomalous traffic mode, it proposes an effective monitoring model of inter-domain anomalous traffic.

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为了提高BGP模拟的性能,本丈提出若干优化技术来减少BGP模拟过程中的CPU负载消耗。In order to improve the efficiency of BGP simulation, this paper presents some optimization methods to reduce the CPU load.

BGP作为一种域间路由选择协议,它的主要功能是在各实现了BGP协议地系统之间交换网络层可达性信息。As a intra-domain routeing protocol, its main function is that realizes switching NLRI between the systems with BGP protocol.

BGP是广泛使用的域间路由协议,其健壮性直接影响到因特网的可靠性。BGP is the most important inter-domain protocol in the Internet, and its robustness directly affects the reliability of the Internet.

这个循环会不断重复,并随着单断和重整连接以发出边界网关协议更新信息波至互联网的每一台路由器。This cycle would repeat, with the single breaking and reforming link sending out waves of BGP updates to every router on the internet.

本文设计了完整的结构化的基于聚类的BGP故障检测算法体系方法。We propose a set of highly structured clustering-based algorithm framework to identify the BGP faults from the raw BGP routing updates.

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一个民族国家会像两周前的埃及一样通过调整其边界网关协议切断其数字桥梁以隔离互联网。A nation state could pull up the digital drawbridge by adjusting its BGP to disconnect from the internet, just as Egypt did two weeks ago.

测定40例甲亢患者,20例甲减患者血清BGP及甲状腺激素含量,并与30例正常对照组比较。Methods Serum level of BGP and thyroid hormone were measured in 40 patients with hyperthyroidism, 20 hypothyroidism and 30 normal controls.

核心路由器也可能专门职能的虚拟专用网相结合的基础上协议和多协议标签交换。Core routers may also have specialized functions in virtual private networks based on a combination of BGP and Multi-Protocol Label Switching.