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使人回想到什么?This is reminiscent of what?

再次地,这是关于沙堆的提醒。This, again, is reminiscent of a sand pile.

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这种生长可以被看成是肿瘤的形成。This growth is reminiscent of tumour formation.

这一幕让人想起古罗马荒淫的狂欢宴会。It was reminiscent of a scene from a Roman orgy.

这些照片使我联想起我的亡父。These pictures are reminiscent of my late father.

是啊,对王音来说,是到了“怀旧”的时候了。Yes, for Wang Yin , it"s time to be "reminiscent.

他是我们想起了波洛克的画作。They are reminiscent of some of Pollock's paintings.

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总易让人想起那,水作的骨肉。General Yi is reminiscent of that of water made flesh.

有一股甜丝丝的气息,使人隐隐感到像是咖啡。There was a sweetish smell, vaguely reminiscent of coffee.

赫氏近鸟身上的色彩让人联想到现代的鸟类。The color pattern of Anchiornis is reminiscent of living birds.

这些鱼类事件同时让人想起了不列颠的桦尺蠖。These fishy cases are reminiscent of the peppered moth in Britain.

有欧洲酸樱桃、鲜花与甘草的香味。The nose is reminiscent of morello cherries, flowers and liquorice.

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酒香浓郁,使人联想到紫罗兰、牡丹和红樱桃的清香。A very intense nose, reminiscent of violets, peonies and red berries.

北国的槐树,也是一种能使人联想起秋来的点缀。Locust trees in the north, is a reminiscent of the autumn decoration.

茶的颜色、味道和光度媲美大吉岭茶。The color, flavor, and brightness are reminiscent of Darjeeling Teas.

朋友是想起时平添喜悦,忆及时更多温柔。When a friend is reminiscent added joy, remember the more gentle time.

另外,我想起了另外一个我所熟识的令人激动的艺术家,科迪·哈德森。Further, it's reminiscent of another inspiring dude I know, Cody Hudson.

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说到真性情,不免令人想起魏晋文人的潇洒来。When it comes to true temperament, is reminiscent of the literati pizazz to.

有成熟菠萝的芳香,也残留着豆豉鱼的风味。Its aroma is at once reminiscent of ripe pineapple and savory fermented fish.

其坐落在金钟,它更像一处酒店而非购物中心。Located in the admiralty, it's more reminiscent of a hotel than a shopping mall.