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这就是进步。This is progress.

因此的确小有进步。So there is progress.

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但是,还是有进展的。But there is progress.

业务进展情况暂未更新。No update on progress.

查看进度条。Watch the progress bar.

但是进步是明显的。Yet progress is evident.

正在进行放油。Fuel dump is in progress.

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没有竞争,就没有进步。No competion, no progress.

进步还是退步?Progress or Retrogression?

进展将不会一帆风顺。Progress will not be easy.

他进步很快。He has made rapid progress.

我们取得了一些进展。We have made some progress.

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知错就改就是进步。Any correct is all progress.

百尺竿头更进一步。Make still further progress.

戴维逐渐地取得进步。Davy made progress gradually.

很少患者发展到终末期肾病。Few patients progress to ESRD.

米凯尔的进步是零星的。Mikael's progress is sporadic.

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动议参与国家取得了进展Progress Seen in FTI Countries

追踪及汇报你的进步。Track and report your progress.

写日记记录进步的点滴。Keep a journal of your progress.