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这位画家是实验室的创立者帕西维尔?罗尼尔。The artist was the observatory's founder, Percival Lowell.

我的主要敌人是派司沃格纳德大人,而现在派司沃大人死了。My main enemy had been Sir Percival Glyde and Sir Percival was now dead.

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图片的背景是由波斯富街文汇报社旧址向西望。The background is looking west from the office of Wen Wei Po in Percival Street.

帕西瓦尔罗威尔一生都没有像自己希望的那样,通过天文学的发现来享受到成功的喜悦。During his life, Percival Lowell did not enjoy the success he hoped to find in astronomy.

我告诉他们有关派司沃格纳德大人和他所做的坏事来夺取瑙若的财产。I told them about Sir Percival Glyde and the wicked things he had done to obtain Laura's fortune.

我很了解派司沃大人在更衣室里一直在做什么,可是我不会说的。I knew very well what Sir Percival had been doing in the vestry , but I wasn't going to say anything.

早期的圣杯传奇故事集中于珀西法尔,然后卷入更为普遍的亚瑟王传说。The early Grail romances centered on Percival and were then woven into the more general Arthurian fabric.

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只有三位骑士找到了圣杯,他们是格拉海德、珀西瓦尔和鲍斯爵士,这三个人都有着纯洁的心。Only three knights found the Holy Grail. They were Galahad, Percival and Bors . All three had pure hearts.

调查得出结论派司沃大人的死因是突发的意外。The enquiry reached the conclusion that the cause of Sir Percival Glyde's death was death by sudden accident.

但是调查没有发现原因,就派司沃格纳德大人去更衣室而他为什么把自己锁在里面。But the enquiry couldn't find a reason for Sir Percival being in the vestry or why he had locked himself in there.

今早我看到你走过我的屋子。你为什么不进来打个招呼,看我一下?我听说派司沃大人的消息了。I watched you walk by my house this morning. Why din't you call in and see me? I have heard the news about Sir Percival.

与另外两位骑士博斯和珀西瓦尔找到圣杯后,加拉哈德当上了萨拉斯的国王,一年后死去。After finding the Grail with two other knights, Percival and Bors , Galahad became King of Sarras. He died one year later.

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阿不思·珀西瓦尔·伍尔弗里克·布赖恩·邓布利多是最伟大的男巫之一,是霍格沃兹魔法学校的校长,建立了凤凰社。Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore is one of the greatest living wizards, the headmaster of Hogwarts, and founder of the Order of the Phoenix.

突然屏住呼吸,瑙若走过大门,就像以往没有嫁给派司沃格纳德大人前那样。A gasp of surprise went up when Laura walked through the door, looking just the same as she used to in the days before her marriage to Sir Percival Glyde.

后来,瑙若上床了,我告诉了麦闰,就是派司沃大人怎么送死,我从喀什瑞克太太那里得到安娜父亲的情况。Later, after Laura was in bed, I told Marian the whole story of how Sir Percival had met his death, and the information I had learned from Mrs Catherick about Anne's father.