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现在甚至还出现了标准的煽动剧本。There is even is a standard demagogic playbook.

你得撕破老年的蛊惑人心的网。You have to tear the elderly demagogic network.

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他觉得我滥用了他的盛情,对白人选民做煽动性的自我推销。He thought I had abused his hospitality to make a demagogic pitch to white voters.

由性爱巫术引申而来的有关“蛊”的传说始终影响着人们的情爱生活。Therefore, the demagogic witchery has been influencing the love of the ethnic people of Yunnan Province.

云南少数民族中普遍存在着有关巫蛊的信仰,性爱巫术即属于其中一种鲜为人知的“秘术”。There exists a common faith in the demagogic witchery among the ethnic groups of Yunnan Province, and the erotic sorcery is one of the types.

在这种毫无可能蛊惑人心的“阶层团结”口号下,罗马人一方面受到恶意的重伤,另一方面法国人受到来自国际媒体的抨击。In this outrageous demagogic closing of ranks the Roma are being vilified on one side, and the French are coming under attack by the international media on the other.

李洪志曾诱骗我们说“善意反映问题不能说是错”,在他的蛊惑下我曾两次进京滋事。Li Hongzhi once enticed us as saying, "It can't be wrong to present problems with good will. " I went to Beijing twice to make troubles following his demagogic words.

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两年以前,一个来自迪拜的公司想要接管美国一些港口的运作,民主党和共和党都大发雷霆,大出蛊惑之词,强烈反对。Two years ago, when a company from Dubai tried to take over the operation of some U.S. ports, both Democratic and Republican politicians erupted in a demagogic frenzy.

小蒋善于蛊惑人心的那一套,是他那位比较刻板的父亲所望尘莫及的。他呼吁上海人民实行所谓“社会革命”纲领。With a demagogic flair that his more austere father could not have equaled, young Chiang appealed to the people of Shanghai for what he called a program of "social revolution."

因而,美军核心价值实质是为垄断资产阶级服务的价值观、是美国军队政治文化的内核,具有一定欺骗性、煽动性。Therefore, the core values of American military is the value that serves for the monopoly bourgeoisie, it is the core of politics and culture in American army, its always deceiving and demagogic.