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比较两种利多卡因局麻方式的效果。The outcome of these two lidocaine local anaesthesia was compared.

单独用利多卡因阻断双侧红核或中缝大核对痛阈无影响。The pain threshold was not influenced by microinjection of lidocaine into NRM or RN.

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目的研究利多卡因凝胶的经皮吸收动力学以及药效学。Aim To study the cutaneous permeation kinetics and pharmacodynamics of lidocaine gel.

利多卡因是临床上常用的一种抗心律失常药和局部麻醉药。Lidocaine is a commonly used anti-arrhythmic drug and local anesthetic in clinical practice.

结论地塞米松与利多卡因能有效的预防多西他赛化疗时致静脉炎的发生。Conclusion Lidocaine combined with dexamethasone could prevent the phlebitis caused by doctaxol.

结论ESU病人应用碱化利多卡因及其混合液可明显改善硬膜外阻滞的效果。Conclusion Alkalinized lidocaine can improve the outcome of epidural blockade in the ESU patients.

结论利多卡因静脉注射能有效控制难治性癫痫持续状态。Conclusions Intravenous lidocaine is effective in the treatment of intractable status epilepticus.

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目的观察利多卡因稀释液用于放射性黏膜损伤后口腔疼痛的疗效。Objective To observe the effect of lidocaine dilution in releasing oral pain caused by radiotherapy.

目的比较氯普鲁卡因与利多卡因用于硬膜外阻滞的效果。Objective To compare the efficacy of chloroprocaine hydrochloride with lidocaine in epidural blockage.

利多卡因可对大鼠气道黏膜表面结构造成损害,但其可自我修复。Lidocaine can damage the mucosal surface structure of trachea in rats, but this damage can self-recover.

利多卡因也用于喉咙痛和口腔溃疡患者。Lidocaine is also prescribed for people with very sore throats and those with canker sores in the mouth.

目的探讨小儿口服盐酸利多卡因胶浆的局麻效果。Objective To explore the effect of local anesthesia for child by oral intake of lidocaine hydrochloride.

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目的观察利多卡因在社区用于人工流产手术中的临床价值。Objective To observe the clinical value of lidocaine used in artificial abortion operation in community.

目的探讨超常量扩张对皮肤软组织扩张器内利多卡因的渗透作用。Objective To explore the effect of over-volume expansion on the permeability of skin expander to lidocaine.

此效应不受溴化六甲双铵和阿托品的影响。The excitatory effect of lidocaine can not be changed by pretreatment of hexamethonium bromide and atropine.

利多卡因作为一种酰胺类局部麻醉药,临床上也是用来治疗室性心律失常的常用药。Lidocaine is commonly used local anesthetics of amide derivatives and a drug to treat ventricular arrhythmia.

对于最敏感部位的脸部,可以给予注射少量的利多卡因麻醉。Patients are then given tiny injections of lidocaine to additionally numb the most sensitive parts of the face.

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目的观察人体静注利多卡因对脑氧耗和脑血管功能的影响。Objective To assess the protective effects of lidocaine on cerebral oxygen consumption and cerebrovascular function.

目的探讨盐酸利多卡因和地塞米松磷酸钠在预防化疗药物外渗中的作用。Objective To study the preventive effects of lidocaine and dexamethasone on extravasation of chemotherapeutic drugs.

身为医护人员的马丁布朗特就是这次的证人,他宣称莫瑞医生把一种名叫「利多卡因」的药物藏起来。Paramedic Martin Blount took to the witness stand and claimed that the doctor had concealed a drug called lidocaine.