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我怕你这双枯瘦的手!I fear thy skinny hand!

枯瘦干黄的手掌。Skinny stem yellow palms.

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有些削瘦得像根针。Some are skinny as a pin.

她象一个鬼一样削瘦。She's as skinny as a ghost.

他枯瘦的手把行人抓住。He holds him with his skinny hand.

一只瘦骨嶙峋的狐狸趴在高处的小丘顶上。A skinny fox sits on the hill above.

有些超模实在是过于瘦了。Some supermodels are far too skinny.

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这个骨瘦如柴的男孩就是巴西。The skinny boy is, of course, Brazil.

我原来非常非常瘦。So I used to be really, really skinny.

人们太迷恋消瘦的身材了,people get too obsessed of being skinny

罗里弗里德曼,“瘦母狗”的共同作者。Rory Freedman, co-author of Skinny Bitch

他把名片放在瘦子季曼的大班台上。He placed the card on Skinny Zyama’s desk.

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汤姆是一个腿很细的瘦高个儿。Tom was a lanky boy with long skinny legs.

双倍浓度无咖啡因少泡沫的穆哈咖啡“" "A double espresso mocha skinny frothed."

猫宝宝、大个猫、瘦猫、病猫。Baby cats, big cats, skinny cats, sick cats.

举例来说为什麽木草要呈薄膜状而且中心中空?For example, why is grass skinny and hollow?

你太瘦了。我们要养肥你。You're too skinny. We need to fatten you up.

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他非常喜欢这群又高又瘦的金发碧眼的美女。He enjoys the company of tall skinny blondes.

同时想胖又想瘦,哈哈,那可办不到!You cannot be fat and skinny at the same time!

面对现实吧,露茜,你两腿修长,很有天赋。Face it. You're a two-bit talent with skinny legs.