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这里缺了谁呢?Who's absent?

下巴触须不存在。Chin barbel absent.

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汤姆因病缺席。Tom is absent on illness.

原本的氛围已无迹可寻。All form of aura is absent.

我们班没有一个人缺席。No one in our classis absent.

不在者永远理亏。The absent are always wronged.

今天有些学生缺席了。Some students are absent today.

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缺席者总是出什么事。The absent are always at fault.

有些国家终年无雪。Snow is absent in some countries.

他们在一九八○年头一次见面。He had an absent look on his face.

除了珍娜以外,没有人缺席。No one is absent except for Janet.

有些国家见不到雪。Snow was absent in some countries.

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我们为缺席的朋友干一杯。We drank a toast to absent friends.

你缺课还有什么别的原因?Why else were you absent from class?

在中国这更是难觅踪迹。It is almost totally absent in China.

这位老师把他作为缺席者记下来。The teacher marked him down as absent.

罗慧敏今天为什么没有上班?Why is Luo Huimin absent from duty today.

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一些鱼种不具有,称之为「无腹鳍鱼」。Absent in some species, the apodal fishes.

这些轮生结构中的一个或多个有可能不存在。One or more of these whorls may be absent.

关海来到秦冰的病房,秦冰不在。Pass to Qin Bing ward, Qin Bing is absent.