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许多雕塑装饰着钟楼。The belfry abounds in ornamental carving.

樱花树是不结果实的。Ornamental cherry trees do not produce fruit.

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桃叶卫矛是优良的观赏树种。Hamilton euonymus is a good ornamental species.

并有丰富的药用植物和观赏植物。It has rich medical plants and ornamental plants.

最典型的是菱格图案画装饰。The most typical is rhombus ornamental decoration.

溪流用水坝拦挡起来,形成了装饰性的湖泊。The stream was dammed up to form ornamental lakes.

发明了极具观赏性和艺术性的陶器。Highly ornamental and artistic pottery was created.

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本种树形优美,是良好的观赏树种。This species has ornamental value as a garden plant.

采用观赏石制造纪念品。Souvenir products made of Simbircit ornamental stone.

装饰用的“歌唱蟋蟀”正卧在小小的笼子中。Above, ornamental singing crickets sit in small cages.

制造商生产的汽车带有装饰性尾翼。Manufacturers built vehicles with ornamental tailfins.

项生金花茶,广西一新的观赏植物。Camellia terminalis, a new ornamental plant from Guangxi.

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番茄时可装饰使用过的生肉所以时常可以装饰物品。Cherry tomatoes are often used raw as ornamental garnishes.

菊花石是我国特有的一种观赏石。Chrysanthemum stone is an ornamental stone unique to China.

股票池观赏顶级捕食喂养鱼苗。Stock ornamental pools with top feeding predacious minnows.

雀梅藤属植物是优良的药用和观赏植物。Sageretia are fine plants with medical and ornamental value.

使用装饰性的照明是较佳的选择。Use ornamental illume is relatively the choice of beautiful.

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这里是观鱼区,不允许钓鱼。These are ornamental fish. You are not allowed to catch them.

在这种情况下,你的观赏植物,可能不会那么观赏性。In that case, your ornamental plant might not be so ornamental.

花卉育种是花卉业发展的基础。Ornamental plant breeding is foundation of the flower industry.