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今天年太阳队有不错的机会,大家要面对一个非常长的常规赛然之后好好准备一下季后赛。We just need to fight through the long regula season and be ready for the playoffs.

用于生产所采购的产品或材料应满足适用的法规要求。All purchased products or materials used in product shall conform to applicable regula tory requirements.

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机关也可变通其管理方法和决策程序以解决手边的问题。An agency's regula tory techniques and decision-making procedures can also be tailored to meet the problem at hand.

因此,公众的态度看起来比科学本身在决定它的应用过程中更重要。Thus public perception seems to be much more important than scientific reality in determining the regula tory course.

对上皮性标记物在鼻咽部组织表达的规律及意义作了探讨。The regula pattern of expression and their significance of these epithelial markers in nasopharyngeal tissue were discussed.

换句话说,这个调节阀能够实时地找到恰当的位置让“刚刚好”的水通过,从而让计量阀管中的流量保持恒定。The regula would immediately seek a compromise position where it would let "just enough" water for a constant flow through the metering valve vessel.

香港的基金管理公司可能会考虑申请新的QFII额度,并在得到当地监管部门批准后,把相关额度用于人民币计价的共同基金。Hong Kong fund managers may be looking to apply for new QFII quota and, subject to local regula tory approval , place such quota in renminbi denominated mutual funds.

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知情人士称,这家英国银行已经与一家当地合作伙伴签订了组建证券合资企业的协议,并已向北京方面申请获得监管批准。The UK bank has signed a securities joint venture deal with a local partner and applied to Beijing for regula tory approval, according to people familiar with the matter.

1999年,国会给了金融服务业更多的自由,但是没能创造一个全面的监管系统。In 1999 , Congress gave increased freedoms to the financial service industry, but feared failed to create comprehends of regula toil in a comprehensive regulatory structure.

针对目前监管的难点,需要解决监管框架、市场准入与退出、相关法律法规、监管人员素质等几个方面的问题。In view of the present difficulties in regulation, special attention needs to be paid to regula tory framework, market entry and exit, related laws and regulations, and the quality of regulators.