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的确,洪堡的遣词用字是无可指责的。Yes, Humboldt's words were impeccable.

位置也不错,服务更是没得挑。The location is good and the service is impeccable.

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当标普指数位于1281点时,我的逻辑可谓无懈可击。My logic was impeccable back when the S&P traded at 1281.

身旁脚蹬漂亮高跟鞋、身着华服的女士擦肩而过。Women in polished high heels and impeccable coiffures swept past.

申请人必须是拥有良好声誉的自然人。Theapplicant must be a natural person with an impeccable reputation.

这些学术偏见的根源倒也无可非议。The intellectual sources for these prejudices are, however, impeccable.

美国随后派遣了一艘导弹驱逐舰保护无暇号。America later sent a guided-missile destroyer to protect the Impeccable.

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“无瑕号”用消防水管向一艘船喷水,以防它靠得太近。The Impeccable turned fire-hoses on one boat to stop her getting too close.

艺术品摆设区巨大的舷窗设置可让游客观看机房的操作实景。The large galley has portholes giving a view of the impeccable engine room.

在诸多妙笔生花的小说家中,没有一名能有如她那样行令人类最纯粹得空的感受进行发现。Never did any novelist make more use of an impeccable sense of human values.

在剩下的竞选活动的演讲中,我把这个无懈可击的逻辑加了进去。I added his impeccable logic to my stump speech for the rest of the campaign.

他无可挑剔的丝绸领带搭配您的签名艾克比哈尔的礼服衬衫。Pair your signature Ike Behar dress shirt with one of his impeccable silk ties.

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由于经线采用锦纶丝不失布面光泽柔和,布面外观无可挑剔。As the warp with nylon filament losing soft fabric luster, impeccable fabric appearance.

双脚背弹性戈林沿着鞋面无可挑剔适合你所走的每一步。Dual instep elastic goring along the vamp for an impeccable fit with each step you take.

另外,美国五角大楼说,是中方先袭击“无瑕号”的声纳系统。Besides, the Pentagon claims that China attacked the sonar system of the Impeccable first.

莱维斯特说,但是这本书成功的最后一点是它来自于极好的时间掌握。But ultimately, Rivest says, much of the book’s success derives from its impeccable timing.

他俊朗的外表和优秀的血统使他赢得了“优质偶像”这样的称号。His clean-cut image, good looks and impeccable pedigree earned him the label, "high-quality idol."

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有一位美国领导人,以往被视为拥有完美绿色证书——阿尔·戈尔,离开了。There is one American leader whose green credentials are often seen as impeccable – Al Gore, left.

萨布伦毫无偏差地抓住了这个地区的历史脉络以及它与今天的联系。Thubron has an impeccable grasp of the history of the region and its relevance to the present day.

他穿着鲜明、无可抉剔。他还是个宗学师,拒续在周日动员袭击。He was known for being an impeccable dresser, and, as a religious man, refused to attack on Sundays.