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你的灵魂。Your soul.

随同著一颗杂净的心灵?。I'm a new soul?

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它是你的灵魂。It is your soul.

我的心渴想神。My soul thirsts.

为他的灵魂担忧。Fear for his soul.

我们完全心灵相契,是知音。We are soul mates.

公正性是其灵魂。Equity is its soul.

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你失去了灵魂。You lose your soul.

她的灵魂堕入地狱。Her soul was damned.

灵魂是不朽的吗?Is the soul immortal?

灵魂是无形的吗?Is the soul invisible?

灵魂是关于什么?What is the soul about?

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我的根是灵歌。My roots are soul music.

灵魂的窒息症!Suffocation of the soul.

还藏着犹太人的灵魂。The soul of a Jew yearns.

不可征服的灵魂。For my unconquerable soul.

我有不可征服的灵魂。For my unconquerable soul.

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我的整颗心,我的灵魂都是你的!I'm yours, heart and soul.

愿上天保佑他的灵魂得到安息。May Heavens rest his soul.

不,我的灵魂没睡着。No, my soul is not asleep.