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我们正在分析星尘号的彗星样品。We are analyzing Stardust cometary samples.

美国宇航局似乎知道这个红色慧星天体的东西。NASA appears to know something about this red cometary orb.

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这些彗星似地残骸——些许的冰片——就是流星雨。This cometary debris – bits of ice – create a meteor shower.

我们刚刚发表了来自彗星尘埃初步分析的发现。We just released the findings from our preliminary analysis on the cometary side.

对中国古代彗星记录的研究状况进行了全面论述。In this paper, the study of cometary records in ancient China is generally reviewed.

影像底边紧凑而又奇怪的彗星状天体就是哈勃的变光星云。The curious compact cometary shape near the bottom edge is Hubble's Variable Nebula.

在曼特尔兵站附近有一团稠密的类似彗星的云团绕行星转动,就是这个大赛的集结地。A dense cometary cloud orbits near Ord Mantell, and is the staging grounds for the race.

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好消息!我们刚刚发表了来自彗星尘埃初步分析的发现。Good news! We just released the findings from our preliminary analysis on the cometary side.

彗星的喷发速度在流星群的演化过程中起着重要作用。The cometary ejection play a crucial role in formation and evolution of the meteoroid stream.

第三,结冰的环粒子碰上彗星碎片就会变黑,可是一般而言,粒子还是明亮的。Third, icy ring particles should be darkened by cometary debris, yet they are generally bright.

在上面图片中心处的这个怪异的“生物”,是一个著名的彗星状云球的云气团。The odd looking "creature" in the center of the above photo is a gas cloud known as a cometary globule.

从这颗恒星发出的高能光线正把途中右上角的黯淡的彗星似的小球体中的尘埃消灭掉。Energetic light from this star is eating away the dust of the dark cometary globule at the top right the image.

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研究表明,月球岩石中的水资源比地球水资源包含更多的重氢元素,意即月球水有可能来源于彗星。Moon rocks show that lunar water has more heavy hydrogen than does terrestrial water, indicating a cometary origin.

然而进一步的说,人类对于地球的影响,完全相当于白垩纪的彗星撞击。Yet, upon further reflection, human impact on the planet is a direct analogue of the Cretaceous cometary collision.

上面这种彗星状的物质结质量和地球相近,但它们的半径通常是冥王星轨道的好几倍。The above cometary knots have masses similar to the Earth but have radii typically several times the orbit of Pluto.

要知道,从星际尘埃这面拉出楔块比从彗星尘埃那面要困难的多。As you know, pulling particles from the interstellar side is vastly more difficult than it was for the cometary side.

彗形球状体具有典型的特征尘埃状的头部和长长的尾巴。This globule, however, has ruptured. Cometary globules are typically characterized by dusty heads and elongated tails.

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这种特征让彗形球状体看起来就跟彗星一样,但在现实情况下它们有很多不同。These features cause cometary globules to have visual similarities to comets, but in reality they are very much different.

借助于流体力学中一个修正的牛顿公式,指出彗晕的形状接近悬链线。By means of a modified Newton's formula of hydrodynamics, it is shown that the shape of cometary halos is close to a catenary.

从上面影像上方向下伸出的外表奇怪的“生物”或“大手”是一团被称为彗形球状体的气体云,但是这团球状体已经破裂了。The odd looking "creature" or "hand" extending down from the top of the above photo is a gas cloud known as a cometary globule.