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制革废水中的污染物源于材料的残余。Chemicals residua in this waste water is a pollution source.

采用气相色谱分析铁灭克在柑桔上的残留动态。Residua of Temik in orange were detected by gas chromatography.

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同时还简要介绍了脱氮残渣的处理方法。At the same time, it is described how to treat the denitrified residua.

但渣油的组成、结构复杂,缺乏一种有效的分析手段。There is a lack of efficient method for characterizing the residua complex.

实验研究了去除微生物残渣,净化活性污泥微生物的生长环境,可有效地控制丝状菌性污泥膨胀。The aim is to remove residua of organisms and resume the growth environment of floe-forming bacteria.

四极质谱仪应用在大功率速调管上,记录了真空系统中残余气体的谱图。The quadrupole mass spectrometer is therefore applied to the high-power klystron to record the residua.

因此,渣油催化裂化宜采用短接触时间和快速油气分离技术。So the techniques of short contact time and quick speed oil gas separation in residua catalytic cracking should be taken.

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农村也有大量的有机垃圾,如农业生产中产生的秸秆、大中型养殖场排泄物、食品加工业残渣等。Besides, in country there are many organic wastes such as the straw, animal dejection, residua in food industry, and so on.

以反应代替分离,将膏状的苯甲酸釜残液碱化后和氯化苄反应,采用相转移催化技术合成苯甲酸苄酯来加以应用。Benzyl benzoate was synthesized using benzoic acid paste residua and benzyl chloride as raw material at the presence of TEA.

银杏叶提取物中的主要杂质成分有银杏酚酸、大孔树脂残留、溶剂残留。The main impurity components of Ginkgo Biloba leaves extracts were ginkgo acid, macro porous resin residua and solvent residua.

文中并列出了各种重质原油的汽油、柴油、催化裂化原料及渣油的主要性质。The main properties of naphtha, diesel fuel fractions, catalytic cracking feed stock and residua from these crudes are also listed.

在实验室中研究了一种从石油残渣油制取建筑沥青的新工艺——水蒸汽裂解缩合。A new process for producing roofing asphalt from petroleum residua by steam cracking and condensation has been studied in the laboratory.

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第二种方法是将植物残体全部集中,晒干,最后由贵稀金属提炼厂专门处理。The second involves all the dried plant residua in the sun, and then are sent to a precious metal extracting factory for special treatment.

残差分析表明此方法更适合于同时存在内插和外推高程异常值的情况。Residua analysis indicates that the least squares collocation is better when there exist interpolation and extrapolation of UPS abnormal height.

近年来的研究发现,肾发育过程中的胚基残留,分化障碍可能是肾母细胞瘤发病的原因之一。For these years, residua of metanephric blastema and delay of differentiation in the development of kidney have been considered the cause of nephroblastoma.

该方法很好地解决了制取苯胺后仪器残留物难以清洗的问题,对实验室相关实验和工业生产有一定的指导作用。This method solved the problem of removal of residua on glass instruments after preparation of aniline, and could be applied to lab and industrial operation.

采用热重法对我国大庆、胜利、任丘及单家寺油田四种渣油的非等温焦化过程进行了考察。The non-isothermal coking reaction of the residua from Daqing, Shengli, Renqiu and Shanjiasi crude oil were investigated in a thermogravimetric analyzer system.

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通过对制取苯胺后仪器残留物的成分及其成因分析,寻找清洗残留物的最佳方法。In order to seek the effective method for removing the residua on glass instruments, the composition of residua during the preparation of aniline was investigated.

结论膀胱脐尿管癌主要病理类型为黏液腺癌,常伴有脐尿管残留结构。Conclusion Mucinous adenocarcinoma is the mainly histopathological type, and cystomorphous urachal residua is often accompanied with urachal carcinoma in the bladder.

采用动态光散射法研究了伊朗轻质减压渣油和大庆减压渣油模拟乳状液的粒度特征。Particle characteristics of model emulsion of vacuum residua fractions from Iranian light and Daqing crude oils were studied by using dynamic light scattering method.