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查看一下此时此刻你身边的声音,你都听到了什么?Check out your soundscape at the moment. What do you hear?

声景对于城市空间的塑造起着不可或缺的重要作用。Soundscape plays an important role in shaping urban space.

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这是一个声在性质和手腕是相互联系的。It is a soundscape where nature and artifice are intertwined.

景观设计师的任务是整合各种社会元素,塑造一个整体环境。Combining sound components with landscape design leads to the concept of soundscape and its features.

这是信息的混沌、声音的海洋、现实与电影现实所反射的抽象音景。It's chaos of information, a sound ocean, an abstract soundscape reflecting reality and reality of film.

针对当前景观规划中以视觉为中心的倾向,引入了声景观设计的新方法。Aimed at the visual-centered tendency in landscape plan, a new method based on soundscape design was adopted.

再应用多维尺度分析,获得声景观评价影响因素的维度数。Finally, using multidimensional scaling, dimensionality of influencing factors of the soundscape is obtained.

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他说,“我们正在测试这个想法,当这种声音变得更吵,野生动物会遭受什么。We are testing the idea that these things are coupled -- that as the soundscape gets louder, wildlife suffers.

颜峻以田野录音,采样和人声加入,这是他最早的演出,“人造音景”的最初实践。Yan Jun has just start his music creer. he use field recording, sample and voice as his "artificial soundscape".

不过想象一下把内燃机搁置一旁,我们来设计未来的声音风景。But imagine that the internal combustion engine could be set aside and we could design the soundscape of our future.

以城市公园声环境为研究对象,研究影响声景观感知属性的本质因素。In this paper, auditory perceptual attributes of soundscape involved in urban park acoustic environment are studied.

本课题选取武汉市汉正街作为城市空间研究的背景,以声景作为切入点研究。This dissertation takes the Hanzhengjie area as the research background and choose soundscape as the starting point.

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风、流水与雨声就是仅有的声音,渐渐的,就可听见昆虫振翅,然后是哺乳类。Wind, flowing water and falling rain dominated the soundscape . Gradually insects, then mammals, could be heard again.

为进一步探讨声景观形成机理、实现声景观客观评价及建模提供了理论依据。This study provides a theoretical base for further study of mechanism, objective evaluation and modeling of the soundscape.

文中提出的声景观图是表述和分析城市声景观的有效方法。It is concluded that soundscapegraphy can be a proper and applicable method for the notation and analysis of urban soundscape.

场景的拍摄方法也相当简单,李安选择蓝色牛仔裤沙沙的声音和猪的呼噜声来组成整个的音乐背景。It’s also filmed simply, with Ang Lee opting for the sound of rustling blue jeans and animalistic grunts filling the entire soundscape.

景观设计从早期的风景设计到现在的城市环境设计,在人类的物质生活和精神生活中一直都是不可缺少的。In order to promote a new viewpoint for urban landscape design and to enrich the design methods, the concept of soundscape was introduced.

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声音景观在环境声学领域呈现出一个阶段性的改变。Soundscape represents a step change in the field of environmental acoustics in that it combines physical, social and psychological approaches.

雪松长笛孤独、内省的声音,千百年来,它回响在整个美洲土著人声的西南地区。The lonely, introspective sound of the cedar flute. For thousands of years, it's echoed across the Native American soundscape of the Southwest.

“沙滩上的爱因斯坦”的音乐如史诗般宏伟壮丽——同时循环重复,引人入胜——让人有置身梦中之感。THE music of "Einstein on the Beach" is so grand and epic—yet so mesmerising and repetitive—that it feels as if it were the soundscape of a dream.