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水坝已大功告成。The dam is accomplished.

她是个调情老手。She is an accomplished flirt.

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之后,我成功了。And then, I accomplished that.

她是位有才华的歌唱家。She is an accomplished singer.

这项工作完成于1955年。This was accomplished in 1955.

赏识您所完秤弈。Appreciate what you have accomplished.

两年过去了,任务完成。Two years later, mission accomplished.

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不要主观臆断某项任务已经圆满完成。Don't assume the mission is accomplished.

你希望已经完成了什么?What would you like to have accomplished?

刘玉玲的确是一位多才多艺的美人!Lucy Liu is really an accomplished beauty!

这项任务是经过巨大努力才完成的。This task is accomplished by great effort.

伏地魔也是一个高超的摄神取念者。Voldemort is also an accomplished Legilimens.

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而这项使命却远远没有完成。The mission has by no means been accomplished.

但这些干预政策实现了什么?But what has all this intervention accomplished?

虽然任务艰巨,可是我们完成了。It was a difficult task, but we accomplished it.

这是个棘手的任务,不过我们还是完成了。It was a difficult tast , but we accomplished it.

失败并不代表你一无所得。Failure doesn t mean you have accomplished nothing.

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有没有什么目标是可以在一年内完成的?Is it something that can be accomplished in a year?

完成的工作应在15天或更少。The Work should be accomplished in 15 Days or less.

小溪静静流淌,在已经安宁的国度里。Still as a stream in accomplished countries of peace.