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他对我的提议不屑一顾。He sniffed at my offer.

这是你们的最优惠价吗?Is that your best offer?

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另外,你提供烘好的水果也是可以的。Offer dried fruits, too.

因此,我接受了他的提议。So I accepted his offer.

您得到聘任书了吗?。Have you got a job offer?

你们提供什么样的租赁期呢?What rental do you offer?

它会提建议。It will offer suggestions.

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我们的报盘三天有效。Our offer sare for 3 days.

你会提供何许建议呢?What advice can you offer?

我怎么为你们提供工作?How could I offer you jobs?

我告诉了克丽丝汀他的好意。I told Christine his offer.

好的,你接受这个职位吗?OK.Do you accept the offer?

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请给我们传真报盘。Please make us a fax offer.

这儿有什么服务项目?What services do you offer?

为失聪或听障者提供育乐营。For deaf or deaf offer camp.

我出不起那么多钱。I can't offer so much money.

我们当然提供急件服务。We do offer express service.

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咱们想要分开算帐。We love to offer separately.

目前我们有现货供应。We now can offer from stock.

我总是向这些人提出一个事实。I always offer them one fact.